Hi Salvatore,

> That is because I did already upload the upload yesterday as with the
> debdiff attached to the bugreport. But we (Moritz was testing as well)
> wanted to further test the upload first before releasing the DSA.

Ahhhh .... ok, that explains it. Didn't see any message about it, so I
guessed you were waiting for us. I also didn't see anything on
tracker.debian.org, so I thought I will do it ...

Is there anything regarding buster that is still necessary?

> Fixing this via unstable via directly 0.19 sounds great, thank you.

That is coming in in short time.



PREINING Norbert                              https://www.preining.info
Accelia Inc. + IFMGA ProGuide + TU Wien + JAIST + TeX Live + Debian Dev
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