severity 955730 wishlist
retitle 955730 krita does not support wayland
forwarded 955730


In data sabato 4 aprile 2020 11:22:08 CET, Nicolas Évrard ha scritto:
> I have started to use sway as my primary window manager unfortunately
> krita does not work with wayland it seems. Other Qt applications seems
> to work just find (provided I set the right environment variable ie
> QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland)

krita has never supported Wayland so far. It uses various X technologies
(e.g. tablet support, color management) that are not available under
Wayland, or nobody worked on them in krita.

There is an upstream bug mentioning this:
starting from the upcoming version 4.4.2, you will even get an error
message with krita closing itself afterwards in case you are running
under Wayland. Please run krita within XWayland until proper Wayland
support is implemented in krita.

Pino Toscano

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