I agree with Norbert.  Bugs like this which involve proprietary
hardware are quite common and unlikely to get attention from those
developers who could fix them.  They often get fixed more by accident.
If you want to increase the chances, this is what you could do:

* Compile the most recent kernel and try to reproduce the bug with
  that.  If you don't know how to do that you have to teach yourself
  how with one of the countless tutorials from the web.

* Provide a simple reproducer: The bug is triggered by a program
  interacting with the kernel, presumably the wayland compositor.  If
  you can come up with a sequence of steps that reliably trigger this
  bug from the console, this would help a lot.

* Become better at providing good, succinct bug reports.  Tutorials
  for this exist on the web, too.

If you do all that in the end you might collect enough useful
information that an upstream dev will actually consider looking at

All of this will involve quite a bit of time, skill and work from your
side, and we cannot really help you with that.  If you need help
you'll have to ask nicely on the debian-users mailing list or in one
of the many Linux forums if someone could help you with that.  Until
then you'll have to stick with X11.

Good luck.

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