Hi Malvin,

> > I have now upgraded three different machines from (fully updated) Buster
> > to Bullseye, and all three times KDE Plasma was not usable afterwards.


Do you know which set of packages you had installed? Which meta-package?

> > The problem goes away after reinstalling everything that is installed
> > and has "plasma" in the name, but unfortunately I cannot say which of

This is even stranger. Did you see **new** packages being installed
during the apt install --reinstall session?

Ah and yes, you did reboot before logging into the updated system,
right? Or did you do the update from a running Plasma session?



PREINING Norbert                              https://www.preining.info
Fujitsu Research  +  IFMGA Guide  +  TU Wien  +  TeX Live  + Debian Dev
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