On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 07:41:31PM +0200, David Suárez wrote:
> HI,
> I prepared a new upstream version of ruby-zip.
> Some comments:
>   * New upstream release.
>   * Drop 'dont-use-home' patch; Fixed upstream.
>   * Add 'fix-random-tests-failures' patch from upstream.
>     Fixes FTBFS on some archs.
>   * debian/copyright: Fix Ruby license short name.
>   * debian/rules: add tests generated file to clean.
>   * Drop 'libzip-ruby1.9.1' transitional package.
> It builds fine on a clean chroot.
> Could any DD review an sponsor it?


It failed to build on sbuild with

      1) Error:
    Encoding::CompatibilityError: incompatible character encodings: US-ASCII 
and UTF-8

I added `export LANG=C.UTF-8` to debian/rules and then it built fine.

Thanks :)

Antonio Terceiro <terce...@debian.org>

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