On Saturday 04 October 2014 09:53 AM, Daniel Polanco wrote:
> Hello all:
> After looking a bit a the mailing list, I realized I might be a bit
> under qualified to package GitLab myself. I’m a fairly new programmer,
> but I’m very interested in giving back to the community. A big part is
> that it would take me a while to learn Ruby if that’s what is required
> to create a package.
> Having said that, I wanted to throw my name out there and see what you
> all thought. I’m very willing to learn new things, and I want to learn
> how to package debs at some point, but I also don’t want to take too
> much on and waste anyone’s time.
> Daniel
> PS. This is the first time I’ve used a mailing list, so feel free to
> guide me in the right direction if I’m using it incorrectly.

Hi Daniel,

Good to see your interest. You can start from

But steps would be very similar to Diaspora packaging which has more
documentation https://wiki.debian.org/GitLab/Packaging

I can spent some time on irc to get you started with packaging. We
usually hangout on #debian-diaspora on oftc.

You can pick a gem from gitlab dependencies and start packaging it.

Current status is http://balasankarc.in/gitlab/


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