
Need a help on Ruby tests. While I was packaging a ruby gem, I got a weird
This is the structure of the test folder
├── rack
│   └── session
│       └── redis_test.rb
├── redis
│   └── rack
│       └── version_test.rb
└── test_helper.rb

The error message was as follows

# Running:

warning: toplevel constant Rack referenced by Redis::Rack

Finished in 4.033027s, 3.9672 runs/s, 11.4058 assertions/s.

  1) Failure:
1::2#test_0001_returns current version
Expected: "1.5.0"
  Actual: [1, 2]


The content of the problematic file
is as follows

require 'test_helper'

describe Redis::Rack::VERSION do
  it 'returns current version' do
    Redis::Rack::VERSION.must_equal '1.5.0'


It seems, in the describe statement, ruby is using the original gem "Rack"
instead of the folder "Rack" defined inside the lib/redis folder. This error
message happens in similar redis-* packages - by which redis support is
provided to default gems like activesupport, actionpack etc. There also,
ruby choose the correspoinding default gems (like activesupport, actionpack
etc) instead of the folder inside lib/redis/ folder.

Is there any way to solve this?
Balasankar C

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chokes out tyranny." - Trent Lott

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