On 9/16/16, Cédric Boutillier <bou...@debian.org> wrote:

> I activated the autopkgtest (see commit c06a49c), and when I try to run
> the autopkgtests, I get one failure:
>   1) Aruba::Api files #copy when source is existing when destination is
> non-existing when source is file when source is contains "~" in path
>      Failure/Error: FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(local_path)
>      Errno::EACCES:
>        Permission denied @ dir_s_mkdir - /home/boutil
>      # ./spec/support/shared_contexts/aruba.rb:13:in `block in
> create_test_files'
>      # ./spec/support/shared_contexts/aruba.rb:9:in `each'
>      # ./spec/support/shared_contexts/aruba.rb:9:in `create_test_files'
>      # ./spec/aruba/api_spec.rb:538:in `block (7 levels) in <top
> (required)>'
> Could you investigate this issue? (maybe just disable this test for
> autopkgtest, e.g. by testing the existence of the AUTOPKGTEST_TMP
> environment variable)

I don't maintain ruby-aruba and so I know nothing about it, I've just
found an issue with it while working on berkshelf, then and prepared a
patch for it using upstream commit fixing it.

And I know nothing about autopkgtest, so currently I'm unable to test
whether I fix the failure you found correctly.

So maybe it's better to release it without support for autopkgtest and
then wait till maintainer fix it?

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