On 9/19/16, Michael Crusoe <michael.cru...@gmail.com> wrote:
> While updating ruby-pathname2 from 1.7.4 to 1.8.0 I received the
> following error:
>         dh_ruby --clean
> Invalid gemspec in [pathname2.gemspec]: uninitialized constant
> Gem::Specification::FileList
> Did you mean?  FileUtils
>                FileTest
> Invalid gemspec in [pathname2.gemspec.gem2deb]: uninitialized constant
> Gem::Specification::FileList
> Did you mean?  FileUtils
>                FileTest
> I'm not a ruby user nor dev, just packaging this on behalf of another
> project -- any suggestions?

Hi Michael, this looks like upstream bug we unable to fix with patch
as dh_ruby --clean will fail, so I just copied a fixed gemspec to
debian/ and instructed dh_ruby to use it. My changes are pushed to

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