Hi all,

I would like to tackle renaming ruby-factory-girl to ruby-factory-bot
[1], but unfortunately, I've failed to set up a new repo on salsa.

According to the wiki [2], one should run ./setup-project.
But this complains about a missing salsarc file in the parent dir.

After creating the file, running the command again gives a traceback,
that SALSA_TOKEN is not defined. After commenting in SALSA_TOKEN
(currently, it's commented out) in lib/salsa.rb the help text is shown,
finally. (I've created a MR [3] to fix salsa.rb accordingly.)

I couldn't figure out how salsarc should look like. I've tried various
formats to assign the var name, but failed doing so.

I've then used plain 'export GITLAB_API_PRIVATE_TOKEN=...' and this
Server responded with code 400, message: 'limit_reached' , 'namespace' is not 
valid. Request URI: https://salsa.debian.org/api/v4/projects
E ruby-factory-bot: repository creation failed. Probably already exists.
Server responded with code 404, message: 404 Project Not Found. Request URI: 
E ruby-factory-bot: repository not found. Stopping here.

I guess this is because of my ACL to the ruby-team on salsa.

I would like to update the wiki, to make the instructions more detailed, to
save work for other people.

Any input regarding this?


[1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-ruby/2017/11/msg00006.html
[3] https://salsa.debian.org/ruby-team/meta/merge_requests/3

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