Package: gem2deb
Version: 1.0
Tags: confirmed newcomer

(bcc: submit@b.d.o to open a bug report)

On Tue, Feb 11, 2020 at 07:16:14PM -0500, Utkarsh Gupta wrote:
> Hi Georg,
> On Tue, Feb 11, 2020 at 7:10 PM Georg Faerber <> wrote:
> > > JFTR: It is also missing debian/.gitattributes - probably for the same
> > > reason.
> >
> > I just did a test: debian/salsa-ci.yml is created correctly, but
> > debian/.gitattributes is not. I guess the current code doesn't handle
> > files with a dot in the beginning, but I didn't check.
> I remember we reproduced the gem2deb-not-creating-salsa-ci.yml issue
> on Antonio's system.
> And also on Samyak's (few hours ago).

Yes, confirmed.

The problem is in Gem2Deb::DhMakeRuby::Template.load_all. Instead of
using just `Dir.glob("**/*")` to get all templates, it needs to use
`Dir.glob("**/*", File::FNM_DOTMATCH)` to match files that start with a

The actual patch should be quite simple and is left as an exercise for
someone willing to start contributing to gem2deb (hence the newcomer

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