
On 2020-07-12 21:08, Utkarsh Gupta wrote:

Well, this is...bad!
First, I hope you're not forgetting that Debian is run by "volunteers"
and this is all volunteering work.
This also means that if, for any reasons, I don't have time (or even if
I just don't want to), no one can poke me to do the work. Any kind of work.

You are totally twisting my words. I gave you my understanding about how things are perceived in Debian. The only thing I think is bad about this situation is that there is no information anywhere about your decision to only care about unstable. I think users expect the whole of Debian's released suites and backports to be taken care of, and I think it's good to inform them. I'm not asking you do do more, I think we should inform and coordinate better, that's all. Beuc suggested debian-security-support and I think that's a very good idea.

Which brings me to the next point..
The package is team maintained which you "claim" to have been a part of
for "quite some time". If it is still not clear yet, I explicitly
welcome your help for rails maintenance.

Why do you say "claim"? Just because I'm not helping in your field of interest, or just because I have less energy to give Debian these last few years makes me a fraud?

No I won't work on Rails. I have a set of packages I've been working on for years, and I'm occasionally working on other pieces, and I do not want to neglect them by adding too much extra stuff. I also do not feel comfortable working with you. I gave an mere opinion and you're twisting my words in a very aggressive way, that's not how I imagine collaboration, sorry.

It's funny how one assumes that they are "accountable" and "responsible"
for all kinds of work for all the packages one maintains. Sigh.
I am in maint/uploaders field for 157 packages at the moment, so I ask
you very clearly here, would you expect me to fix every bug (or say,
CVEs) in Sid, Bullseye, Buster, and Stretch?

I talked about "The general acceptance in Debian" as I understand it. I think that's important because this whole thread would not have existed if we had the same view. If we want to coordinate with others too. And yes I feel responsibility for the packages I touch, even for a one-time fix. I think the whole project agrees on the voluntary work and that noone should be coerced and at the same time NM and the NMU policy expects you to care; that means doing your best and if it's not enough asking for help and sometimes handing over or orphaning to make things clear and avoid rot. I think limiting yourself to unstable is really not something people would expect. If you decide to limit the field of your work without telling your team and users, then it's always going to cause misunderstandings.

One good example is when Antonio took advantage of Debconf to come and tell us that it was too much for him and needed several packages off his shoulders. He asked kindly and I'm happy that with Kanashiro-kun were able to help a little bit. If you feel bad about your 157 packages, which is really a lot, then maybe you should consider telling the team. If the team as it is is not well staffed for so many packages then that's something the team has to solve.

Let me know if you think so. I'll be happy to orphan each of them so you
don't hold me "accountable" and "responsible" for the package wherever
it is in Debian, the next time.

I never suggested that and I even wrote a second mail to clarify my view about it.

I said I was not aware of this limitation (nor were the other teams obviously) and I think we should improve on that. Noone replied to that.

I suggested we look into debian-security-support and noone replied to that either.

You might also want to be thankful for the work that other team members
do in taking care of that "huge dependency tree lying beyond".
Otherwise, if someone decides to orphan them all, it'd be ironically sad
for you.

When Kanashiro-kun and I took over Redmine (from Antonio) there was a transition and many problems to fix, and it's still not over with Rails 6 so I've done little things around but I just cannot do more right now, I'm just stating my limits. I don't consider that working on these dependencies is a grunt job or that you're doing it for me. I'm happy we were able to work together to get this far and in no way I'm looking down on you or your work. I clarified my view with Praveen and I'm sad he decided to step down (according to git).

Here I have no authority whatsoever, I'm not pressuring anyone, just expressed my opinion and I got a very aggressive reply in return. That's really one good reason why I feel bad in many places in Debian even when I'm not involved directly. I was happy to be in this more friendly team so far, so maybe there's a way to restore that?


Marc Dequènes

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