Am Sonntag, den 29.11.2020, 00:59 +0100 schrieb Klaumi Klingsporn:
> Am / On Sat, 28 Nov 2020 03:05:50 +0100
> schrieb / wrote Daniel Leidert <>:
> > JFTR: The minima theme doesn't know sub-pages or
> > collections by default. We'll have to create something
> > ourselves. Probably a collection with a main page and
> > then link to this page via _config.yml.
> O.k., we want a configuration, where we can put my
> beginners-manual and maybe others in the future into a
> special directory, let's call it 'manual' and put only
> general information in, which links to
> special manual(s) in the manual-directory. And we would
> like to have an additional side-bar menu for the manual(s),
> because it makes navigating through them much easier ;-)
> I had a quick look into jekyll and as far I understand
> this thingy this would need:
> 1.
> To create the directory 'manual' of course

This is a collection and needs an underscore at the beginning. I'd suggest

> 2.
> to add a new scope in config.yml, like this:
>   - scope:
>       path: "manual/*"
>       type: pages
>     values:
>       layout: manual

This then needs to be adjusted. 


I skipped the other suggestions. There are some tools we might be able to use.
Please just split your contribution howto in separate pages and put them into
the _contributing directory. Please take care of the contents and well written
YAML frontmatter like the description. I'll have a look at the jekyll
configuration. Ok?

Thanks for your work!

Regards, Daniel

Daniel Leidert <> |
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