Just after sending this, I got a hint from someone to use override_dh_installman inside debian/rules instead of patching the Rakefile. doing it this way I'm able to compile and include the man page in the package.

sorry for the noise on the list!

On 2020-12-20 10:46 p.m., Gabriel Filion wrote:
I'm close to having a finished package for metadata-json-lint[0] (I'm done with its missing dependency but I wanted to request sponsorship for the two of them at the same time), however since lintian was warning about a missing man page for the binary, I set out to write one.


I now have a text in ReST that can be converted to a man page with rst2man, and I've patched the Rakefile in order to build the man page, but for some reason it's not getting compiled during the build phase.


Is there a recommended way to achieve this?

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