On Thu, Dec 31, 2020 at 02:40:15PM +0100, Daniel Leidert wrote:
> Hi,
> Holger Levsen announced in d-devel around 3000 NMUs to do source-only uploads
> for packages which are missing binary builds on our buildds. With the release
> of buster it became mandatory to build all binary packages on our projects's
> buildds. Packages which have not been uploaded/updated since the Buster 
> release
> are often missing a binary build for one or more architectures. I think some 
> of
> our ruby-* packages are affected too.
> So if you want to beat Holger to it for a special ruby-* package then hurry :)
> From experience there is a chance that some packages not having been touched
> since the Buster release will FTBFS.
> This is purely informational in case you have missed the recent announcement.
> Be safe and enjoy New Years eve :)

There are 251 packages from the Ruby team, and the list is attached.

Maybe we could coordinate and do real updates of those in the next
weeks? i.e. we could create an issue on the `meta` salsa repository,
with each one of those as a line in a checklist. or even one issue for
each packags¹, which would make it easier to coordinate as people can
assign the issue to themselves to signal they are working on it.

¹ this is easy to do via the CSV import feature from gitlab

As a side note, the fact that only 251 out of of 1344 team packages
(based on the unstable Sources file) didn't yet get an upload in the
bullseye cycle means that we are doing a pretty good job as 81% of our
packages did get an update since the buster release.

Attachment: packages.txt.gz
Description: application/gzip

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