Am / On Fri, 5 Feb 2021 23:24:07 +0530
schrieb / wrote Utkarsh Gupta <>:

> I am not sure what's wrong, really. Maybe try doing a
> --fix-missing and update && upgrade manually from inside
> the chroot?
> Anyway, everything builds fine here and the autopkgtest
> is passing (superficially) as well and so I've sponsored
> your upload! :)

Thanks Utkarsh!

BTW: Today I finally solved the problem. There was no
ip-forwarding from the lxc-bridge-device lxcbr0 to my
ethernet-device enp4s0. lxc doesn't establish forwarding
while starting the container, only provides an init.d script
for that: /usr/libexec/lxc/lxc-net resp.
There's also an systemd-service but somehow this service
isn't started at boot although I set this in

Anyhow: Now it seams to work. As test I ran the tests myself
too - with the same results ;-)

So I can now finally finish to package my beloved webgen.


Klaumi Klingsporn

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