Dear Martin,

Quoting Martin Michlmayr via RT (2023-02-02 06:17:55)
> > Thanks a lot for the approval. We'll track the expenses to help the TO
> > dealing with the allocated budget.
> It would be good if you could create a table with: name / max amount allowed
> For SPI, people should submit reimbursements by following this procedure:

We collected the data corresponding the expenses.
Values in EUR.

| Attendee        |   Plane tickets   |   Accomodation   |   Total   |
| abhijith        |   1000            |   ----           |   1000    |
| dleidert        |   492,60          |   1053,70        |  1543,60  |
| kanashiro       |   0               | 0 (utkarsh paid) |     0     |
| mdbilal         |   972             |   422            |   1394    |
| praveen & srud  |   2411.66         |   658.56         |   3070.22 |
| terceiro        |   1182            |   567            |   1749    |
| utkarsh         |   999             |   842            |   1841    |

for a total of 10597.82 euros (this is less than what was allocated, but
the three people from Nigeria could not make it).
The page of the wiki
indicated only the price of the plane ticket, not the price of
accomodation, which explains why the amounts asked in the table above
are significantly higher than the one on the wiki page.

Daniel Leidert (dleidert) should ask reimbursement through Debian
France, the others through SPI, as far as I understand.

Best wishes,


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