
I am recognizing some progress, but there is still trouble ...

Peter Solodov wrote:

1. Install cyrillic fonts

2. Modify XF86Config (see previous messages)
Done! (At least I hope so)
This is the important part of my XF86Config (I using 3.3.6)

Section "Keyboard"
    Protocol    "Standard"
    AutoRepeat  500 30
    Xkbkeycodes "xfree86"
    XkbTypes    "default"
    XkbCompat   "default"
    XkbRules    "xfree86"
    XkbModel    "pc102"
    XkbLayout   "rums(basic)"
    XkbOptions  "grp:shift_toggle"

This resulted of course in an american keyboard layout and I do not know how to switch. (grp:shift => Alt+Shift?) Alt+Shift does not work BTW.

But I proceded, hoping that I could figure this out later, but I would not.

3. Modify (or even create) /etc/gtk/gtkrc.ru_RU.KOI8-R (attached) for
   GTK apps to know about Russian.

4. Start your apps with LC_CTYPE env. variable set to
   ru_RU.KOI8-R. Don't set LANG as it will cause all the applications
   to speak Russian (do it if you really want to learn the languag

Well, there is at least an error message. When I start gnumeric I get the following output:

>[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ > gnumeric
>Gdk-WARNING **: Missing charsets in FontSet creation
>Gdk-WARNING **:     KOI8-R
>Gdk-WARNING **:     KOI8-R

The error message is several times.

Does it tell you anything? I for my part am a bit helpless. And now it is late and I will try again tomorrow.

- Konrad
