Alexander Galanin wrote:

> On Thu, 06 Sep 2012 01:53:49 +0700
> Andrei Lomov <> wrote:
>> в файле /lib/udev/rules.d/40-usb_modeswitch.rules
>> закомментировал строчку
>> …
>> Багу на udev напишу. Спасибо еще раз.
> Тут не на udev, а на usb-modeswitch багу вешать надо. Файлик-то,
> очевидно, из его пакета.

Да, уже перенаправили.

В usb_modeswitch.rules оказались смешанными имена модемов и телефонов.
Обещали исправить:

> Fortunately (or not, depending on the point of view) I just had a direct 
report about this same problem.
> At the heart of the matter is the decision of the phone/firmware makers to 
re-use the USB ID of the MediaTek modems. Now we have to separate phones 
from modem sticks.
> The solution is to alter the config file name "0e8d:0002" to 
"0e8d:0002:uPr=MT" in the usb_modeswitch data package. The known phones with 
the ID have iProduct attributes beginning with "X", modems have "MT".
> By changing the name, phones will be left alone entirely.
> This will of course be changed in the next upstream release of the data 
package; maybe Odyx can release a small fix in advance.
> Cheers,
> Josh

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