On 11/04/16 10:00, Korona Auto Ltd.\ Andrey N. Prokofiev wrote: > Подскажите, есть сервер на платформе supermicro с поддержкой watchdog. > По дефолту там вроде бы зашит 5-минутный таймер.
По дефолту там вроде бы таймер выключен. > Чем можно в дебиане управлять аппаратным watchdog и возможно ли отсылать > статусы состояния своим скриптом и по своим условиям? У меня работало с Package: watchdog Description-en: system health checker and software/hardware watchdog handler The watchdog program writes to /dev/watchdog every ten seconds. If the device is opened but not written to within a minute, the machine will reboot. This feature is available when the kernel is built with "software watchdog" support (standard in Debian kernels) or if the machine is equipped with a hardware watchdog (in which case this package can also be used to "pet" it, resetting its timer). . The kernel software watchdog's ability to reboot will depend on the state of the machine and interrupts. . The watchdog tool itself runs several health checks and acts appropriately if the system is not in good shape. -- sergio