On 11/04/16 10:00, Korona Auto Ltd.\ Andrey N. Prokofiev wrote:

> Подскажите, есть сервер на платформе supermicro с поддержкой watchdog.
> По дефолту там вроде бы зашит 5-минутный таймер.

По дефолту там вроде бы таймер выключен.

> Чем можно в дебиане управлять аппаратным watchdog и возможно ли отсылать
> статусы состояния своим скриптом и по своим условиям?

У меня работало с

Package: watchdog
Description-en: system health checker and software/hardware watchdog handler
 The watchdog program writes to /dev/watchdog every ten seconds. If
 the device is opened but not written to within a minute, the machine
 will reboot. This feature is available when the kernel is built with
 "software watchdog" support (standard in Debian kernels) or if the
 machine is equipped with a hardware watchdog (in which case this
 package can also be used to "pet" it, resetting its timer).
 The kernel software watchdog's ability to reboot will depend on the
 state of the machine and interrupts.
 The watchdog tool itself runs several health checks and acts
 appropriately if the system is not in good shape.

