Harold Crouch wrote:
HC> I am able to select KOI8 fonts in Sylpheed.  But, I am not able to
HC> type cyrillic alphabet.  I installed the xruskb package (and
HC> removed the xkb package), and I believe that xruskb contains the
HC> keyboard maps that I need.  I do not understand the instructions
HC> included in the xruskb package.  
HC> Would someone please tell me how to switch between English and
HC> Russian keyboard maps?

Pavel Andreew wrote:
PA>> With woody xruskb package doesn't need. Simply add (check) this
PA>> section in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4:
PA>>   Section "InputDevice"
PA>>        Identifier  "Generic Keyboard"
PA>>        Driver      "keyboard"
PA>>        Option      "CoreKeyboard"
PA>>        Option      "XkbRules"      "xfree86"
PA>>        Option      "XkbModel"      "pc105"
PA>>        Option      "XkbLayout"     "ru"
PA>>        Option      "XkbOptions" grp:ctrl_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll"
PA>>   EndSection
PA>> RUS/LAT switch is Ctrl+Shift, ScrollLock led is indicator.

Alexei Khlebnikov wrote:
AK>> Am I understand you right that you can switch, but cannot type?
AK>> And typing on the keyboard produces no result other than beeps?
AK>> After switching back to english typing works fine? In such a case
AK>> you have to set correct locale by command. 
AK>> export LC_CTYPE=ru_RU.KOI8-R
AK>> You also must have russian locale generated. Edit
AK>> /etc/locale.gen, then generate locales with locale-gen. I
AK>> reccomend setting locale somewhere in init-scripts before loading
AK>> X. Good luck.

БОЛЬШОЕ СПАСИБО!!!!  Теперь я могу печатать по-русски.  Но мой
"printer" ещё не может печать.  English letters print correctly, but
Russian letters are not correct.  Что я делаю теперь?  

(Извините эа плохая русская грамматика, и как говорят "printer"

