On Thu, Dec 19, 2002 at 03:16:48PM +0700, Raul Umyarov wrote:
>   Но почитав хитрые параметры настройки cqb понял, что осознать
>   всю их хитрость это само посебе ДЕЛО.

Угу.  Правда, есть GU-шный скриптик, если не до HTB -- работает.

 ---- WBR, Michael Shigorin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  ------ Linux.Kiev http://www.linux.kiev.ua/
#    cbq.init v0.6.2
#    Copyright (C) 1999  Pavel Golubev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
#    chkconfig:   2345 11 89
#    description: sets up CBQ traffic control and filters
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
#    You can always get the latest version from 
#               ftp://ftp.equinox.gu.net/pub/linux/cbq/cbq.init
# ---------------
# v0.6.2- Catalin Petrescu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
#         - added tunnels interface handling
# v0.6.1- Pavel Golubev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
#         - added sch_prio module loading 
#           (thanks [EMAIL PROTECTED] for reminding)
#         - resolved errors resulting from stricter syntax checking in bash2
#       - Lubomir Bulej <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
#         - various cosmetic fixes
# v0.6  - Lubomir Bulej <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
#         - attempt to limit number of processes spawned by 
#           utilizing more of sed power (use sed instead of grep/cut)
#         - simplified TIME parser, using bash builtins
#         - added initial support for SFQ as leaf qdisc
#         - reworked the documentation part a little
#         - incorporated pending patches and ideas submitted by the
#           following people for versions 0.3 into version 0.6
#       - Miguel Freitas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
#         - in case of overlapping TIME parameters, the last match is taken
#       - Juanjo Ciarlante <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
#         - chkconfig tags, list + stats startup parameters
#         - optional tc & ip command logging (into /var/run/cbq-*)
#       - Rafal Maszkowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
#         - PEAK parameter for setting TBF's burst peak rate
#         - fix for many config files (use find instead of ls)
# v0.5.1- Lubomir Bulej <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
#         - fixed little but serious bug in RULE parser
# v0.5  - Lubomir Bulej <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
#         - added options PARENT, LEAF, ISOLATED and BOUNDED. This allows 
#           (with some attention to config file ordering) for creating 
#           hierarchical structures of shapers with classes able (or unable)
#           to borrow bandwidth from their parents.
#         - class ID check allows hexadecimal numbers
#         - rewritten & simplified RULE parser
#         - cosmetic changes to improve readability
#         - reorganization to avoid duplicate code (timecheck etc.)
#         - timecheck doesn't check classes without TIME fields anymore
# v0.4  - Lubomir Bulej <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
#         - small bugfix in RULE parsing code
#         - simplified configuration parsing code
#         - several small cosmetic changes
#         - TIME parameter can be now specified more than once allowing you to 
#           differentiate RATE throughout the whole day. Time overlapping is
#           not checked, first match is taken. Midnight wrap (eg. 20:00-6:00)
#           is allowed and taken care of.
# v0.3a4- fixed small bug in IF operator. Thanks to 
#         Rafal Maszkowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# v0.3a3- fixed grep bug when using more than 10 eth devices. Thanks to David
#         Trcka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
# v0.3a2- fixed bug in "if" operator. Thanks [EMAIL PROTECTED]
# v0.3a - added TIME parameter. Example: TIME=00:00-19:00;64Kbit/6Kbit
#         So, between 00:00 and 19:00 the RATE will be 64Kbit.
#         Just start "cbq.init timecheck" periodically from cron 
#         (every 10 minutes for example). DON'T FORGET though, to run
#         "cbq.init start" for CBQ to initialize.
# v0.2  - Some cosmetic changes. Now it is more compatible with old bash 
#         version. Thanks to Stanislav V. Voronyi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
# v0.1  - First public release
# ------
# First of all - this is just a SIMPLE EXAMPLE of CBQ power.
# Don't ask me "why" and "how" :)
# This is an example of using CBQ (Class Based Queueing) and policy-based
# filter for building smart ethernet shapers. All CBQ parameters are
# correct for Linux ETHERNET (eth0,1,2..) interfaces only! It works for
# ARCNET too (just set bandwidth parameter to 2Mbit). It was tested
# on 2.1.125-2.1.129 linux kernels (KSI linux, Nostromo version) and 
# ip-route utility by Alexey Kuznetsov (iproute2-ss981101 version). 
# You can download ip-route from ftp://ftp.inr.ac.ru/ip-routing or
# get iproute2*.rpm (compiled with glibc) from ftp.ksi-linux.com.
# -----------------
# Every shaper must be described by config file in $CBQ_PATH directory
# (/etc/sysconfig/cbq by default) - one file per shaper/class.
# The config file names must obey mandatory format: cbq-<clsid>.<name>
# where <clsid> is two-byte hexadecimal number in range <0002-FFFF>, which 
# is really a CBQ class ID and <name> is the name of the shaper - any text.
# For small amount of shapers it is convenient to let <clsid> resemble 
# shaper's speed.
# Example of valid config name: cbq-1280.My_first_shaper
# The configuration file may contain the following parameters:
### Device parameters
# DEVICE=<ifname>,<bandwidth>,<weight>          mandatory
# DEVICE=eth0,10Mbit,1Mbit
#       <ifname> is the name of the interface you want to control
#               traffic on, e.g. eth0
#       <bandwidth> is the physical bandwidth of the device, e.g. for
#               ethernet 10Mbit or 100Mbit, for arcnet 2Mbit
#       <weight> is tuning parameter that should be proportional to
#               <bandwidth>. As a rule of thumb: <weight> = <bandwidth> / 10
#       When you have more classes on one interfaces, it is enough
#       to specify <bandwidth> and <weight> only once, therefore
#       in other files you can have just DEVICE=<ifname>.
### Class parameters
# RATE=<speed>                                  mandatory
# RATE=5Mbit
#       Bandwidth allocated to class - limiting speed of the shaper.
#       You can use Kbit, Mbit or bps, Kbps, Mbps as suffixes.
# WEIGHT=<speed>                                mandatory
# WEIGHT=500Kbit
#       Tuning parameter that should be proportional to RATE. As a rule
#       of thumb: WEIGHT = RATE / 10
# PRIO=<1-8>                                    mandatory
# PRIO=5
#       Priority of class traffic. The higher the number, the lesser
#       the priority. Priority of 5 is just fine.
# PARENT=<clsid>                                optional, default not set
# PARENT=1280
#       Specifies the ID of parent class you want to attach the CBQ
#       class to. You might want to use LEAF=none for the parent class
#       as mentioned below. By using this parameter and carefully 
#       ordering the configuration files it is possible to create
#       hierarchical structures of CBQ classes. The ordering is 
#       important so that parent classes are constructed before
#       their children.
# LEAF=none|tbf                                 optional, default "tbf"
#       Instructs the script to attach leaf queueing discipline to CBQ class.
#       By default, TBF is used. This parameter is useful for parent classes
#       where you probably want to specify LEAF=none. In future it might be
#       possible to use SFQ or CBQ (or other) as leaf qdisc.
# BOUNDED=yes|no                                optional, default "yes"
#       If set to "yes", the class cannot borrow bandwidth from its
#       parent in overlimit situation. If set to "no", the class will be
#       able to borrow bandwidth from its parent class.
# ISOLATED=yes|no                               optional, default "no"
#       If set to "yes", the class will not lend unused bandwidth to 
#       its children.
### TBF qdisc parameters
# BUFFER=<bytes>[/<bytes>]                      optional, default "10Kb/8"
#       This parameter controls the depth of the token bucket. In other
#       words it represents the maximal burst size the class can send.
#       The optional part of parameter is used to determine the length
#       of intervals in packet sizes, for which the transmission times
#       are kept.
# LIMIT=<bytes>                                 optional, default "15Kb"
#       This parameter determines the maximal length of backlog. If
#       the queue contains more data than specified by LIMIT, the
#       newly arriving packets are dropped. The length of backlog
#       determines queue latency in case of congestion.
# PEAK=<speed>                                  optional, default not set
#       Maximal peak rate for short-term burst traffic. This allows you
#       to control the absolute peak rate the class can send at, because
#       single TBF that allows 256Kbit/s would of course allow rate of
#       512Kbit for half a second or 1Mbit for quarter of a second.
# MTU=<bytes>                                   optional, default "1500" 
#       Maximum number of bytes that can be sent at once. This parameter
#       is required when you specify PEAK parameter. It defaults to MTU 
#       of ethernet - for other media types you might want to change it.
### SFQ qdisc parameters
# QUANTUM=<bytes>                               optional, default not set
#       This parameter should not be set lower than link MTU.
# PERTURB=<seconds>                             optional, default not set
### Filter parameters
# RULE=[[saddr[/prefix]][:port],][daddr[/prefix]][:port]
#       Those parameters make up u32 filter rules that select traffic for
#       each of the classes. You can use multiple RULE fields per config.
# Some examples:
#       RULE=
#               selects traffic going to port 80 in network 
#       RULE=
#               selects traffic going to any port on single host
#       RULE=:25,
#               selects traffic going from anywhere on port 50 to 
#               port 5000 in network
#       RULE=,
#               selects traffic going from port 80 of single host
### Time ranging parameters
# TIME=<from>-<to>;<rate>/<weight>[/<peak>]     optional
# TIME=18:00-06:00;256Kbit/25Kbit
#       This parameter allows you to differentiate the class bandwidth
#       throughout the day. You can specify multiple TIME parameters, if
#       the times overlap, last match is taken. The fields <rate>, <weight>
#       and <peak> correspond to parameters RATE, WEIGHT and PEAK (which
#       is optional and applies for TBF qdisc only).
# Sample configuration file: cbq-1280.My_first_shaper
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# DEVICE=eth0,10Mbit,1Mbit
# RATE=128Kbit
# WEIGHT=10Kbit
# PRIO=5
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The configuration says, that we will control traffic on 10Mbit ethernet
# device eth0 and the traffic going to network will be 
# processed with priority 5 and shaped to rate of 128Kbit.
# Note that you can of course control outgoing traffic only. If you
# want to control traffic in both directions, you must set up CBQ
# for both interfaces.
# Consider the following example:
#                    +---------+
# BACKBONE -----eth0-|  linux  |-eth1------*-[client]
#                    +---------+
# Imagine you want to shape traffic from backbone to the client to
# 28Kbit and traffic in the opposite direction to 128Kbit. You need
# to setup shapers on both eth0 and eth1 interfaces, thus you need
# two config files:
# cbq-28.backbone-client
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# DEVICE=eth1,10Mbit,1Mbit
# RATE=28Kbit
# WEIGHT=2Kbit
# PRIO=5
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# cbq-128.client-backbone
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# DEVICE=eth0,10Mbit,1Mbit
# RATE=128Kbit
# WEIGHT=10Kbit
# PRIO=5
# RULE=,
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Pay attention to comma "," in the RULE field - it is source address!
# Enjoy.


### Uncomment for debugging

if [ -n "$LOG_FILE" ]; then
        ### Initialize log file
        echo "# `date`" > $LOG_FILE

        ### Logging equivalent of "ip" command
        ip () {
                [ -z "$LOG_FILE" ] && { /sbin/ip "$@"; return; }
                echo -e "\nip [EMAIL PROTECTED]" >> $LOG_FILE
                /sbin/ip "$@" 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG_FILE
        } # ip

        ### Logging equivalent of "tc" command
        tc () {
                [ -z "$LOG_FILE" ] && { /sbin/tc "$@"; return; }
                echo -e "\ntc [EMAIL PROTECTED]" >> $LOG_FILE
                /sbin/tc "$@" 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG_FILE
        } # tc
fi # command logging

### Remove CBQ from all devices
cbq_off () {
        for dev in `ip link| sed -n '/^[0-9]/ { s/^[0-9]\+: 
\([a-z0-9]\+\)[:@].*/\1/; p; }'`; do
                cbq_device_off $dev
} # cbq_off

### Remove root class from device $1
cbq_device_off () {
        tc qdisc del dev $1 root &>/dev/null
} # cbq_device_off

### Display CBQ setup
cbq_show () {
        for dev in $DEVICES; do
                echo ---[ $dev: configured classes ]---------------------------
                echo; tc $1 class show dev $dev; echo
                echo ---[ $dev: queueing disciplines ]-------------------------
                echo; tc $1 qdisc show dev $dev; echo
} # cbq_show

### Check configuration and load DEVFIELDS/CLASSLIST
cbq_init () {

        ### Check configuration in $CBQ_PATH directory and get CLASSLIST
        CLASSLIST=`find $CBQ_PATH -name 'cbq-*' -maxdepth 1 -printf "%f\n"| 
        if [ -z "$CLASSLIST" ]; then
                echo "**CBQ: not configured in $CBQ_PATH!"

        ### Collect all DEVICE fields from $CBQ_PATH/cbq-*
        DEVFIELDS=`find $CBQ_PATH -name 'cbq-*' -maxdepth 1 -exec sed -ne\
                   's/#.*//; s/ //g; /^DEVICE=.*,.*,.*/ { s/.*=//; p; q; }; \
                   /^DEVICE=/ q' {} \;| sort -u`

        ### Check if there are any devices to set up
        if [ -z "$DEVFIELDS" ]; then
                echo "**CBQ: can't find any DEVICE field in $CBQ_PATH/cbq-*!"

        ### Extract all device names from DEVICE fields in $CBQ_PATH/cbq-*
        DEVICES=`echo "$DEVFIELDS"| sed 's/,.*//'| sort -u`
        ### Check for multiple devices with different DEVICE fields
        if [ `echo "$DEVICES"| wc -l` -ne `echo "$DEVFIELDS"| wc -l` ]; then
                echo "**CBQ: multiple different DEVICE fields for one device 
                echo "$DEVFIELDS"
} # cbq_init

### Load class configuration from file $1
cbq_load_class () {
        CFILE=`sed -e 's/#.*//; s/ //g; /^$/ d' $CNAME`
        CLASS=`echo $1| sed 's/^cbq-0*//; s/\..*//'`
        if [ `/usr/bin/printf "%d" 0x$CLASS` -le 1 ]; then
                echo "**CBQ: class ID of $1 must be > 1!"
        ### Device parameters   
        DEVICE=`echo "$CFILE"| sed -n '/^DEVICE=/ { s/.*=//; s/,.*//; p; q; }'`
        BANDWIDTH=`echo "$DEVFIELDS"| sed -n "/^$DEVICE,/ { s/.*,\(.*\),.*/\1/; 
p; q; }"`
        ### Class parameters
        PARENT=`echo "$CFILE"| sed -n '/^PARENT=/ { s/.*=0*//; p; q; }'`
        [ -z "$PARENT" ] && PARENT="1:1" || PARENT="1:$PARENT"
        LEAF=`echo "$CFILE"| sed -n '/^LEAF=/ { s/.*=//; p; q; }'`
        [ -z "$LEAF" ] && LEAF="tbf"
        BOUNDED=`echo "$CFILE"| sed -n '/^BOUNDED=/ { s/.*=//; p; q; }'`
        [ "$BOUNDED" = "no" ] && BOUNDED="" || BOUNDED="bounded"
        ISOLATED=`echo "$CFILE"| sed -n '/^ISOLATED=/ { s/.*=//; p; q; }'`
        [ "$ISOLATED" = "yes" ] && ISOLATED="isolated" || ISOLATED=""
        PRIO=`echo "$CFILE"| sed -n '/^PRIO=/ { s/.*=//; p; q; }'`
        RATE=`echo "$CFILE"| sed -n '/^RATE=/ { s/.*=//; p; q; }'`
        WEIGHT=`echo "$CFILE"| sed -n '/^WEIGHT=/ { s/.*=//; p; q; }'`
        if [ -z "$RATE" -o -z "$WEIGHT" -o -z "$PRIO" ]; then
                echo "**CBQ: missing RATE, WEIGHT or PRIO field(s) in $1!"

        ### Leaf qdisc parameters for TBF
        if [ "$LEAF" = "tbf" ]; then
                BUFFER=`echo "$CFILE"| sed -n '/^BUFFER=/ { s/.*=//; p; q; }'`
                [ -z "$BUFFER" ] && BUFFER="10Kb/8"
                LIMIT=`echo "$CFILE"| sed -n '/^LIMIT=/ { s/.*=//; p; q; }'`
                [ -z "$LIMIT" ] && LIMIT="15Kb"
                PEAK=`echo "$CFILE"| sed -n '/^PEAK=/ { s/.*=//; p; q; }'`
                [ -n "$PEAK" ] && PEAK="peakrate $PEAK"
                MTU=`echo "$CFILE"| sed -n '/^MTU=/ { s/.*=//; p; q; }'`
                [ -z "$MTU" ] && MTU="1500"
        elif [ "$LEAF" = "sfq" ]; then
                PERTURB=`echo "$CFILE"| sed -n '/^PERTURB=/ { s/.*=//; p; q; }'`
                [ -n "$PERTURB" ] && PERTURB="perturb $PERTURB"
                QUANTUM=`echo "$CFILE"| sed -n '/^QUANTUM=/ { s/.*=//; p; q; }'`
                [ -n "$QUANTUM" ] && QUANTUM="quantum $QUANTUM"
        elif [ "$LEAF" = "cbq" ]; then
                echo "**CBQ: class $1, leaf qdisc CBQ not yet supported!"       
        return 0
} # cbq_load_class

### Check if ip-route is installed
if [ ! -f /sbin/tc -o ! -f /sbin/ip ]; then
        echo "**CBQ: ip-route2 utilities not installed!"

# See how were we called                                               #

case "$1" in

        ### START ###

### If you have cbq, tbf and u32 compiled into kernel, comment it out
for module in sch_cbq sch_tbf sch_sfq sch_prio cls_u32; do
        if ! modprobe $module; then
                echo "**CBQ: could not load module $module"

# Get all devices from configuration files $CBQ_PATH/cbq-*             #
# and setup CBQ root classes for them (if it is possible).             #


### Try to discover interface bandwidth from DEVICE
### field and if OK - setup root class for this one
for dev in $DEVICES; do
        ### Retrieve device bandwidth and weight
        DEVTEMP=`echo "$DEVFIELDS"| sed -n "/^$dev,/ { 
s/.*,\(.*\),\(.*\)/\1,\2/; p; q; }"`
        ### If correctly set and the device is up, setup root class
        if [ -n "$DEVBWDT" -a -n "$DEVWGHT" ]; then
                if ! ip link | grep -q "$dev[:@].*UP"; then
                        echo "**CBQ: could not find device $dev! CBQ turned 

                ### Remove old root class from device
                cbq_device_off $dev

                ### Setup root class (queueing discipline) for device
                tc qdisc add dev $dev root handle 1:0 cbq \
                bandwidth $DEVBWDT avpkt 1000 cell 8

                ### Create parent class :1. Every shaper will use it as 
                ### parent unless specified otherwise using PARENT=xxxx
                tc class add dev $dev parent 1:0 classid 1:1 cbq \
                bandwidth $DEVBWDT rate $DEVBWDT weight $DEVWGHT \
                prio 8 allot 1514 cell 8 maxburst 20 avpkt 1000
                echo "**CBQ: could not determine bandwidth or weight for device 
                echo "**CBQ: setup DEVICE field properly!"
done # device

# Set up all classes described in $CBQ_PATH/cbq-*                     #

for classfile in $CLASSLIST; do

        cbq_load_class $classfile
        ### Create class and setup leaf qdisc
        tc class add dev $DEVICE parent $PARENT classid $CLASSID cbq \
        bandwidth $BANDWIDTH rate $RATE weight $WEIGHT prio $PRIO \
        allot 1514 cell 8 maxburst 20 avpkt 1000 $BOUNDED $ISOLATED
        ### Setup leaf queueing discipline
        if [ "$LEAF" = "tbf" ]; then
                tc qdisc add dev $DEVICE parent $CLASSID tbf \
                rate $RATE buffer $BUFFER limit $LIMIT mtu $MTU $PEAK
        elif [ "$LEAF" = "sfq" ]; then
                tc qdisc add dev $DEVICE parent $CLASSID sfq \
                $PERTURB $QUANTUM
        elif [ "$LEAF" = "cbq" ]; then

        ### Create u32 filter for addresses specified by RULE fields
        RULESET=`echo "$CFILE"| sed -n '/^RULE/ { s/.*=//; p; }'`
        [ -z "$RULESET" ] && continue
        ### Rules present, parse them
        for rule in $RULESET; do
                u32_s=""; u32_d=""
                SADDR=""; SPORT=""
                ### Split up destination
                [ "$DADDR" != "$DST" ] && DPORT=${DST##*:} || DPORT=""
                [ "$DADDR" = "*" ] && DADDR=""
                ### Split up source (if specified)
                if [ "$DST" != "$rule" ]; then
                        [ "$SADDR" != "$SRC" ] && SPORT=${SRC##*:}
                        [ "$SADDR" = "*" ] && SADDR=""
                ### Compose the u32 filter rules
                [ -n "$SPORT" ] && u32_s="match ip sport $SPORT 0xffff"
                [ -n "$SADDR" ] && u32_s="match ip src $SADDR $u32_s"
                [ -n "$DPORT" ] && u32_d="match ip dport $DPORT 0xffff"
                [ -n "$DADDR" ] && u32_d="match ip dst $DADDR $u32_d"
                ### Uncomment the following if you want to see parsed rules
                # echo "$rule: $u32_s $u32_d"
                ### Attach u32 filter to the appropriate class
                tc filter add dev $DEVICE parent 1:0 protocol ip \
                prio 100 u32 $u32_s $u32_d flowid $CLASSID
        done ### rule
done ### class file
        ### TIMECHECK ###


### Current time in hh:mm format
TIME_NOW=`date +%k:%M`
TIME_ABS=$[${TIME_NOW%%:*}*60 + ${TIME_NOW##*:}]

### Check every config file for TIME parameter
for classfile in $CLASSLIST; do

        TIMERATES=`sed -ne 's/#.*//; s/ //g; /^TIME/ { s/.*=//; p; }' 
        [ -z "$TIMERATES" ] && continue
        MATCH=0; CHANGE=0;
        for timerate in $TIMERATES; do
                ### Split up TIME parameter    
                INTERVAL=${timerate%%;*}; PARAMS=${timerate##*;}
                BEG_TIME=${INTERVAL%%-*}; END_TIME=${INTERVAL##*-}
                ### Compute interval boundaries
                BEG_ABS=$[${BEG_TIME%%:*}*60 + ${BEG_TIME##*:}] 
                END_ABS=$[${END_TIME%%:*}*60 + ${END_TIME##*:}]
                ### Midnight wrap fixup 
                if [ $BEG_ABS -gt $END_ABS ]; then
                        [ $TIME_ABS -le $END_ABS ] && TIME_ABS=$[TIME_ABS + 
                        END_ABS=$[END_ABS + 24*60]
                ### If the time matches, remembers params and set flag
                if [ $TIME_ABS -ge $BEG_ABS -a $TIME_ABS -lt $END_ABS ]; then
                        [ "$TMP_PEAK" = "$TMP_WGHT" ] && TMP_PEAK="" || 
                        [ -n "$TMP_PEAK" ] && TMP_PEAK="peakrate $TMP_PEAK"
        done ### timerate

        cbq_load_class $classfile
        ### Get current RATE of CBQ class
        RATE_NOW=`tc class show dev $DEVICE| sed -n \
                  "/cbq $CLASSID / { s/.*rate //; s/ .*//; p; q; }"`
        [  -z "$RATE_NOW" ] && continue
        ### Time interval match is found
        if [ $MATCH -ne 0 ]; then
                ### Check if there is any change in class RATE
                if [ "$RATE_NOW" != "$TMP_RATE" ]; then
        ### Match not found, reset to default RATE if necessary
        elif [ "$RATE_NOW" != "$RATE" ]; then   
        ### If there's a change, replace CBQ class and leaf qdisc
        [ $CHANGE -ne 1 ] && continue
        ### Get leaf qdisc handle
        LEAF_HND=`tc class show dev $DEVICE| sed -n \
                  "/cbq $CLASSID .* leaf / { s/.*leaf //; s/ .*//; p; q; }"`
        [ -z "$LEAF_HND" ] && continue
        ### Replace CBQ class           
        tc class replace dev $DEVICE classid $CLASSID cbq \
        bandwidth $BANDWIDTH rate $NEW_RATE weight $NEW_WGHT prio $PRIO \
        allot 1514 cell 8 maxburst 20 avpkt 1000 $BOUNDED $ISOLATED
        ### Replace leaf qdisc
        if [ "$LEAF" = "tbf" ]; then
                tc qdisc replace dev $DEVICE handle $LEAF_HND tbf \
                rate $NEW_RATE buffer $BUFFER limit $LIMIT mtu $MTU $NEW_PEAK
        elif [ "$LEAF" = "sfq" ]; then
                ### SFQ does not support parameter changes
                ### yet so it does not need replacing
                #tc qdisc replace dev $DEVICE handle $LEAF_HND sfq \
                #$PERTURB $QUANTUM
        elif [ "$LEAF" = "cbq" ]; then

        echo "**CBQ: $TIME_NOW: class $CLASS on $DEVICE changed rate ($RATE_NOW 
-> $NEW_RATE)"
done ### class file

        ### STOP ###
        ### RESTART ###
                $0 stop
                $0 start
        ### LIST ###
        ### STATS ###
                cbq_show -s
        ### default ###
                echo "Usage: " `basename $0` 

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