
Нужна помощь опытных jabber-админов и не очень опытных ;)
Поставил я на одну тачку (не подключеную к интернету) jabber и решил
проверить, как оно работает,
также для проверки поставил Gabber.
Запускаю: jabberd -h localhost -s /var/lib/jabber
и настраиваю Gabber на localhost порт 5222 он (Gabber) говорит, что нет
такой учетной записи и
предлагает ее создать, я, конечно, говорю 'Да', и он зацикливается на этом вопросе.
Я смотрю логи
в /var/log/jabber/error.log:
20030123T10:15:22: [notice] (-internal): initializing server
20030123T10:17:53: [warn] (localhost): xdb_file failed to open file
/var/lib/jabber/localhost/kenobi.xml: No such file or directory
20030123T10:18:04: [notice] (MIO_XML_READ): socket from is out
of karma
20030123T10:19:19: [notice] (MIO_XML_READ): socket from is out
of karma
в /var/log/jabber/record.log:
20030123T10:17:53 [EMAIL PROTECTED] login fail 401 (null)
20030123T10:17:53 [EMAIL PROTECTED] login fail 401 Gabber
20030123T10:17:59 [EMAIL PROTECTED] login fail 401 Gabber
20030123T10:17:59 [EMAIL PROTECTED] login fail 401 Gabber
20030123T10:17:59 [EMAIL PROTECTED] login fail 401 Gabber
20030123T10:18:01 [EMAIL PROTECTED] login fail 401 Gabber
20030123T10:18:01 [EMAIL PROTECTED] login fail 401 Gabber
файл kenobi.xml вроде есть:
ls -lF /var/lib/jabber/localhost/kenobi.xml
-rw-------    1 root root 227 Jan 23 16:19
в файле /etc/jabber/jabber.xml ничего не трогал, а вот и он:

  <service id="sessions">

    <host><jabberd:cmdline flag="h">localhost</jabberd:cmdline></host>

    <jsm xmlns="jabber:config:jsm">

                  <ns/>          <!-- Matches if the iq's xmlns is the
same as the specified namespace -->
                  <unavailable/> <!-- Flag that matches when the
reciever is unavailable (offline) -->
                  <from/>        <!-- Matches if the  sender's jid is
the specified jid -->
                  <resource/>    <!-- Matches if the sender's resource
(anything after the / in a jid) is the specified resource -->
                  <subject/>     <!-- Matches if the message's subject
is the specified subject (no regex yet) -->
                  <body/>        <!-- Matches if the message body is the
specified body (no regex yet) -->
                  <show/>        <!-- Matches if the receiver's presence
has a show tag that is the same as the specified text -->
                  <type/>        <!-- Matches if the type of the message
is the same as the specified text ("normal" is okay) -->
                  <roster/>      <!-- Flag that matches when the sender
is in the receiver's roster -->
                  <group/>       <!-- Matches when the sender is in the
specified group -->
                  <error/>       <!-- Sends back an error message to the
sender, with the specified text -->
                  <offline/>     <!-- Flag that stores the message
offline -->
                  <forward/>     <!-- forwards the message to the
specified jid -->
                  <reply/>       <!-- Sends back a reply to the sender
with the specified text in the body -->
                  <continue/>    <!-- Flag that continues rule matching,
after a rule matches -->
                  <settype/>     <!-- Changes the type of message to the
specified type, before delivery to the receiver -->

<!-- The server vCard -->

        <FN>Jabber Server</FN>
        <DESC>A Jabber Server on Debian GNU/Linux!</DESC>

      <register notify="yes">
        <instructions>Choose a username and password to register with
this server.</instructions>

        <body>Welcome to the Jabber server -- we hope you enjoy this
service! For information about how to use Jabber, visit the Jabber
User's Guide at http://docs.jabber.org/</body>



        <service type="jud" jid="users.jabber.org" name="Jabber User



    <load main="jsm">
      <!-- <mod_version>./jsm/jsm.so</mod_version> -->
      <!-- <mod_auth_plain>./jsm/jsm.so</mod_auth_plain> -->

   <xdb id="xdb">
<!-- BEWARE: do not add line breaks inside the <spool></spool> tags -->
    <xdb_file xmlns="jabber:config:xdb_file">
   <service id="c2s">
    <pthcsock xmlns='jabber:config:pth-csock'>
      <ip port="5222"/>

  <log id='elogger'>
    <format>%d: [%t] (%h): %s</format>

  <log id='rlogger'>
    <format>%d %h %s</format>

    <service id="dnsrv">
    <dnsrv xmlns="jabber:config:dnsrv">
        <resend service="_jabber._tcp">s2s</resend> <!-- for supporting
SRV records -->

  <service id="s2s">
    <dialback xmlns='jabber:config:dialback'>
      <!-- Use these to listen on particular addresses and/or ports.
      <ip port="7000"/>
      <ip port="5269"></ip>
      <ip port="5269"/>


    <rate points="5" time="25"/>




ps. я только учусь ;)
