
вот, может кому надо -- раскладка dvorak для латинской клавиатуры в
сочетании с ru_ms для русской; для console-cyrillic, не компилированная.

Найдёте ошибки -- сообщайте.

! Modified cyr-russian-ms: dvorak in latin mode
! Author: Alexey Vyskubov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
! define SWAP_CONTROL_CAPS to have left control and caps lock switced --
! but this is a dirty hack; you'd better to create "option" for
! console-cyrillic -- I am too lazy

#ifndef ENCODING
# include "koi8-r.enc"

#include "macros.inc"

#define LLPPC(n, a, b, c, d, e) keycode n = +a +b c d e e e e Meta_##a Meta_##b 
Meta_##a Meta_##b Meta_##e Meta_##e Meta_##e Meta_##e

CC(1, Escape, Escape)

PPPPC(2, one, exclam, one, exclam, VoidSymbol)
PPPPC(3, two, at, two, quotedbl, nul)
PPPPC(4, three, numbersign, three, numbersign, Escape)
PPPPC(5, four, dollar, four, semicolon, Control_backslash)
PPPPC(6, five, percent, five, percent, Control_bracketright)
PPPPC(7, six, asciicircum, six, colon, Control_asciicircum)
PPPPC(8, seven, ampersand, seven, question, Control_underscore)
PPPPC(9, eight, asterisk, eight, asterisk, Delete)
PPPPC(10, nine, parenleft, nine, parenleft, VoidSymbol)
PPPPC(11, zero, parenright, zero, parenright, VoidSymbol)
PPPPC(12, bracketleft, braceleft, minus, underscore, Escape)
PPPPC(13, bracketright, braceright, equal, plus, Control_bracketright)

CC(15, Tab, Tab)

PPRRC(16, apostrophe, quotedbl, cyr_short_i, CYR_SHORT_I, Control_g)
PPRRC(17, comma, less, cyr_tse, CYR_TSE, VoidSymbol)
PPRRC(18, period, greater, cyr_u, CYR_U, VoidSymbol)
LLRR(19, p, P, cyr_ka, CYR_KA)
LLRR(20, y, Y, cyr_ie, CYR_IE)
LLRR(21, f, F, cyr_en, CYR_EN)
LLRR(22, g, G, cyr_ghe, CYR_GHE)
LLRR(23, c, C, cyr_sha, CYR_SHA)
LLRR(24, r, R, cyr_shcha, CYR_SHCHA)
LLRR(25, l, L, cyr_ze, CYR_ZE)

PPRRC(26, slash, question, cyr_ha, CYR_HA, Delete)
PPRRC(27, equal, plus, cyr_hard_sign, CYR_HARD_SIGN, VoidSymbol)

CC(28, Return, Return)

        SPEC(29, LEFT_CONTROL)
        SPEC(29, Caps_Lock)

LLRR(30, a, A, cyr_ef, CYR_EF)
LLRR(31, o, O, cyr_yeru, CYR_YERU)
LLRR(32, e, E, cyr_ve, CYR_VE)
LLRR(33, u, U, cyr_a, CYR_A)
LLRR(34, i, I, cyr_pe, CYR_PE)
LLRR(35, d, D, cyr_er, CYR_ER)
LLRR(36, h, H, cyr_o, CYR_O)
LLRR(37, t, T, cyr_el, CYR_EL)
LLRR(38, n, N, cyr_de, CYR_DE)
LLRR(39, s, S, cyr_zhe, CYR_ZHE)
PPRRC(40, minus, underscore, cyr_e, CYR_E, Control_underscore)
PPRRC(41, grave, asciitilde, cyr_io, CYR_IO, nul)


PPPPC(43, backslash, bar, slash, bar, Control_backslash)

PPRRC(44, semicolon, colon, cyr_ya, CYR_YA, VoidSymbol)

LLRR(45, q, Q, cyr_che, CYR_CHE)
LLRR(46, j, J, cyr_es, CYR_ES)
LLRR(47, k, K, cyr_em, CYR_EM)
LLRR(48, x, X, cyr_i, CYR_I)
LLRR(49, b, B, cyr_te, CYR_TE)
LLRR(50, m, M, cyr_soft_sign, CYR_SOFT_SIGN)
LLRR(51, w, W, cyr_be, CYR_BE)
LLRR(52, v, V, cyr_yu, CYR_YU)
LLPPC(53, z, Z, period, comma, Control_z)


SPEC(55, KP_Multiply)


CC(57, space, nul)

        SPEC(58, Caps_Lock)
        SPEC(58, LEFT_CONTROL)

FUNC(59, 1, 11)
FUNC(60, 2, 12)
FUNC(61, 3, 13)
FUNC(62, 4, 14)
FUNC(63, 5, 15)
FUNC(64, 6, 16)
FUNC(65, 7, 17)
FUNC(66, 8, 18)
FUNC(67, 9, 19)
FUNC(68, 10, 20)

SPEC(69, Num_Lock)

SPEC(70, Scroll_Lock)
        shift           keycode 70 = Show_Memory
        shift   altgr   keycode 70 = Show_Memory
        control         keycode 70 = Show_State
        control altgr   keycode 70 = Show_State
        alt             keycode 70 = Show_Registers
        alt     altgr   keycode 70 = Show_Registers

SPEC(71, KP_7)
        alt         keycode 71 = Ascii_7
        alt altgr   keycode 71 = Ascii_7

SPEC(72, KP_8)
        alt         keycode 72 = Ascii_8
        alt altgr   keycode 72 = Ascii_8

SPEC(73, KP_9)
        alt         keycode 73 = Ascii_9
        alt altgr   keycode 73 = Ascii_9

SPEC(74, KP_Subtract)

SPEC(75, KP_4)
        alt         keycode 75 = Ascii_4
        alt altgr   keycode 75 = Ascii_4

SPEC(76, KP_5)
        alt         keycode 76 = Ascii_5
        alt altgr   keycode 76 = Ascii_5

SPEC(77, KP_6)
        alt         keycode 77 = Ascii_6
        alt altgr   keycode 77 = Ascii_6

SPEC(78, KP_Add)

SPEC(79, KP_1)
        alt         keycode 79 = Ascii_1
        alt altgr   keycode 79 = Ascii_1

SPEC(80, KP_2)
        alt         keycode 80 = Ascii_2
        alt altgr   keycode 80 = Ascii_2

SPEC(81, KP_3)
        alt         keycode 81 = Ascii_3
        alt altgr   keycode 81 = Ascii_3

SPEC(82, KP_0)
        alt         keycode 82 = Ascii_0
        alt altgr   keycode 82 = Ascii_0

SPEC(83, KP_Period)
        control alt             keycode 83 = Boot
        control alt     altgr   keycode 83 = Boot

SPEC(84, Last_Console)


PPPPC(86, less, greater, less, greater, VoidSymbol)

FUNC(87, 11, 11)
FUNC(88, 12, 12)


SPEC(96, KP_Enter)


SPEC(98, KP_Divide)

CC(99, Control_backslash, Control_backslash)


SPEC(101, Break)
SPEC(102, Home)

SPEC(103, Up)

SPEC(104, PageUp)
        shift           keycode 104 = Scroll_Backward
        shift   altgr   keycode 104 = Scroll_Backward

SPEC(105, Left)
        alt         keycode 105 = Decr_Console
        alt altgr   keycode 105 = Decr_Console

SPEC(106, Right)
        alt         keycode 106 = Incr_Console
        alt altgr   keycode 106 = Incr_Console

SPEC(107, End)
SPEC(108, Down)

SPEC(109, PageDown)
        shift           keycode 109 = Scroll_Forward
        shift   altgr   keycode 109 = Scroll_Forward

SPEC(110, Insert)

SPEC(111, Remove)
        control alt         keycode 111 = Boot
        control alt altgr   keycode 111 = Boot

SPEC(112, Macro)
SPEC(113, F13)
SPEC(114, F14)
SPEC(115, Help)
SPEC(116, Do)
SPEC(117, F17)
SPEC(118, KP_MinPlus)
SPEC(119, Pause)



string F1 = "\033[[A"
string F2 = "\033[[B"
string F3 = "\033[[C"
string F4 = "\033[[D"
string F5 = "\033[[E"
string F6 = "\033[17~"
string F7 = "\033[18~"
string F8 = "\033[19~"
string F9 = "\033[20~"
string F10 = "\033[21~"
string F11 = "\033[23~"
string F12 = "\033[24~"
string F13 = "\033[25~"
string F14 = "\033[26~"
string F15 = "\033[28~"
string F16 = "\033[29~"
string F17 = "\033[31~"
string F18 = "\033[32~"
string F19 = "\033[33~"
string F20 = "\033[34~"
string Find = "\033[1~"
string Insert = "\033[2~"
string Remove = "\033[3~"
string Select = "\033[4~"
string Prior = "\033[5~"
string Next = "\033[6~"
string Macro = "\033[M"
string Pause = "\033[P"

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