The Captain and four local  Afghans were killed when they ambushed the vehicle - hence the need to bring in some out of town faces "the unknowns" Commander Lord-Castle being one of them.He know the area well and has good contacts. The tgs were from Syria - what a surprise.
the Commander Lord-Castle (Michael Lord-Castle) went onto Copenhagen with Muldoon (then a private) and eventually Jersey meeting up with District Commander Harding. Luckily the target had more security than most therefore the different agencies did not know who was who (too bloody scared of their own shadow!)- the Commander used this well - 35 minutes later the assailant was despatched. The local old bill put it down to suicide. Not bad when considering 3 knife wounds a missing finger - to be used later then started a fire 5 minutes after death.
What a I like about the special ops div of C2 (C2 FSA.Gov aka GPC Special Ops) is that they can pick and chose who they work for and don't have to take the hit we have to, At least they have a better understanding of why they are doing what the are doing - whereas we shoot for the fuck of shooting and if it goes wrong we are on our own whereas they get paid more.
3 recent regiment guys were turned down - lacking the brain power (what a surprise) but the did take on a ranger and 4 legionnaires who had specialist electronic training.
The days of hand to hand are diminishing and finally the brits are learning from the yanks. GPC tried to set up a training camp in Jordan and Israel did not work though albeit both side being very competent  The team and now the Commander and RT group have   pulled out of Palestine now that the Burton kidnapping scenario is over. that could have got nasty - the Commander got away with it just by offering 3 jeeps - bloody second hand too!! The Embassy was doing its normal total fuckup procedure.
who else do you know that can work both in Israel and Palestine genuinely and openly at the same time and have absolute trust. This is where they and Lord-Castle  excel as their duty id to their client NOT their country.
The pen  is mightier than the sword and these guys are exponents of both arts.
Interesting that they are  contemplating an new South African division - not quite got my head around this - is it a Lord Tebbit idea or Thurgood Marshall both of whom are the Commanders right hand men!
Steve let me know your thoughts
The commander is going out with G company in February I  need to see if a I can get a ressurgance flight.
Shorty - Muldoon and Tiger tim have got the gear in postion. London ops will  the training ground
Camp Nottignham needs further investigation
Major Time Crag C Div - FSA-Gov
