On 2021-02-12 17:25, Bernhard Übelacker wrote:
# dpkg -l | grep -E "dolfinx|eigen3|gmsh" | LANG=C sort -k3b,3b -k2b,2b
ii dolfinx-doc 2019.2.0~git20210130.c14cb0a-3 all
Documentation and demo programs for DOLFIN
ii libdolfinx-dev 2019.2.0~git20210130.c14cb0a-3 all Shared
links and header files for DOLFIN
ii libeigen3-dev 3.3.9-2 all lightweight C++ template
library for linear algebra
ii gmsh 4.7.1+ds1-2 amd64 Three-dimensional finite
element mesh generator
Keep watch also on the version of python3-ffcx. I've been updating the
fenics-x packages to work with basix. This is probably not what's
affecting you though (it might affect testing users who pull packages
from unstable).
$ python3 /usr/share/dolfinx/demo-python/gmsh/demo_gmsh.py
double free or corruption (out)
[debian:89745] *** Process received signal ***
Curiously, my system now gives a completely different gmsh error (gmsh
gmsh itself is broken:
$ gmsh
gmsh: symbol lookup error: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgmsh.so.4.7:
undefined symbol: _ZN4voro20voronoicell_neighborC1Ev
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