Package: python3-pandas
Version: 2.1.4+dfsg-7
Severity: wishlist

Upstream have released pandas 2.2.

(Filing this now to have a bug number - I haven't actually uploaded to experimental yet.)

Reverse dependencies to be tested:

abinit astropy augur azure-kusto-python bmtk bqplot busco camelot-py cfgrib changeo cnvkit dask dask.distributed debian-astro debian-pan debian-science dials dioptas dipy domdf-python-tools drms dxchange dyda edlio emperor epigrass esda extra-data flox folium glueviz guidata harmonypy hdmf hickle igdiscover influxdb-python intake ipython jitterdebugger joypy jsonpickle keras libpysal lmfit-py loki-ecmwf macsyfinder mapclassify matplotlib mcaller mdtraj metaphlan metpy metview-python mirtop mlpack monty nanofilt napari nbsphinx openpyxl optuna orange3 osmnx pairtools parmed partd patsy pdb2pqr pint-xarray plasmidid pointpats poliastro poretools presto psychopy pybel pychopper pycoqc pydevd pyensembl pymatgen pymecavideo pynwb pyodc pyranges pyreadstat pyrle pytest-regressions python-aioinflux python-airr python-altair python-anndata python-apptools python-bioframe python-biom-format python-cgelib python-clevercsv python-cobra python-cogent python-cooler python-datacache python-django-pint python-fastparquet python-feather-format python-fluids python-geopandas python-geotiepoints python-gsd python-gtfparse python-hypothesis python-igraph python-influxdb-client python-iow python-loompy python-lsp-server python-nanoget python-nanomath python-ncls python-numpy-groupies python-pandas-flavor python-parsl python-pauvre python-peakutils python-pomegranate python-pyani python-pybedtools python-pymeasure python-pyomop python-pyproj python-rdata python-skbio python-streamz python-tablib python-throttler python-treetime python-ulmo python-upsetplot python-vega-datasets python-workalendar python-xarray python-xrt pytorch-geometric pyxnat q2-cutadapt q2-demux q2-diversity-lib q2-emperor q2-metadata q2-quality-control q2-quality-filter q2-taxa q2-types q2templates qiime r-bioc-mofa rapidfuzz rdkit recan refnx rickslab-gpu-utils sarsen scikit-learn scikit-rf seaborn sentineldl sherlock skimage sklearn-pandas skorch skyfield slm snakemake sorted-nearest spaghetti spopt spyder spyder-kernels statsmodels stimfit sunpy topplot tpot tqdm traittypes umap-learn umis xarray-safe-s1 xarray-sentinel xpore xraylarch yanagiba

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