reopen 741569
found 741569 13.04.2-2

[Cc-ing bug#742988]

On Sun, Apr 27, 2014 at 09:54:42AM +0200, Frank S. Thomas wrote:
> On Sunday 27 April 2014 08:33:58 Francois THIRIOUX wrote:
> > You probably know that there is a bug in Debian/Ubuntu's wxMaxima since
> > upgrade to wxWidgets 3 :
> > 
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> > This bug is classified as "minor" but it makes wxMaxima *unusable* since
> > critical keys (as brackets or copy/paste) do not work. Could it be possible
> > to revert to wxWidgets 2.8 ? I'm not technically able to solve the 3.0
> > upgrade issues.
> I've just uploaded a new revision which reverts the upgrade to wxWidgets 3.0.

ITYM "wxWidgets 2.8" here.

> I'm sorry for this mess.

While I'm not familiar with wxmaxima, I did test my NMU before uploading
and I can enter brackets without problems.  E.g. running wxmaxima and
pressing the following keys works for me (both in my NMUed version
13.04.2-1.1 and in 13.04.2-2):

[x*y <Cursor Left> / [z+c <Shift+Enter>

I can also enter "(" and "{" without problems.

And copy and paste seems to work fine for me too.

I don't understand what AltGr+[ (as mentioned in the original BTS
report) is expected to do here - for me it puts an umlaut over the next
letter entered (both in wxMaxima and other applications), which is
exactly what I would expect it to do.

Staying with wx 2.8 isn't going to be an option for long, so we need
to actually address this.  But I can only help with that if I understand
what the problem actually is.

Can someone provide clear repeatable instructions for something which
works with the 2.8 build but fails with the 3.0 build?


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