Note that the BTS doesn't automatically Cc the submitter of the bug, you
have to do that yourself (e.g. by using "reply to all" or Cc-ing  I only saw your reply by chance as
I was looking at this bug to remind myself what the issue was.

On Wed, May 07, 2014 at 11:04:32PM +0100, D Haley wrote:
> Thanks for the report. I was not able to exactly reproduce the problem that
> you describe. The startup tips show for myself, and then the program runs.
> This is true normally, in valgrind, and under gdb.

Assuming the valgrind vs non-valgrind difference I saw was due to the
timing of events mattering, that could also explain it not manifesting
for you on different hardware.

> However, I was able to reproduce the same symptoms, but with the autosave
> dialog.
> I have made a patch which fixes the die-on-autosave dialog problem for
> myself, and have similarly modified the startup tips as well. If you can
> confirm this fixes the startup problem for yourself (I've updated git [1]),
> then this would be great.

Thanks, I'll give it a try soon.

> Unless the transition is imminent, I will wait until the next upload to
> close this.

The list of packages still needing attention is pretty long, so it's
likely to be a few months yet until we're in a position to actually
remove wxwidgets2.8.


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