On Thu, 29 Jun 2017 20:40:26 +0100 Edmund Grimley Evans 
<edmund.grimley.ev...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This robopatch seems to fix the problem on arm64 with 48-bit addresses:
> perl -i -pe 's/longlong/ulonglong/g if /\(\s*longlong.*(<<|>>)/ &&
> !/gen\(longlong/;' src/*.cc
> The idea is to change the type whenever there seems to be a cast
> followed by a shift. The last condition is to avoid a couple of
> harmful false positives.
> [..]

Hey Edmund, thanks for all your help with this!

I've tested your robopatch and it works. However, now I'm experiencing this 


Do you have any suggestions on how to move forward? The easiest option is just 
to give the test two possible things to diff against, but this buries the issue 
and does not really solve it.

Another thing now: your robopatch results in the following patch:


As you can see, it makes some changes to src/cocoa.cc that are not guarded by 
#ifdef SMARTPTR64 conditions. Judging by your perl expression, I guess this 
should also be unpatched? I tried this, things still work, unfortunately 
chk_fhan16 still fails. But from what I understand of your explanation, it 
would be best to leave this part out of the patch. Is that right?

Similarly, src/ifactor.cc and the third hunk of src/vecteur.cc should probably 
be reverted just for "neatness" purposes, but I don't think this would have 
affected any of the results described.


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