Hi Rebecca,

On Sat, 30 Sep 2017 14:47:03 +0100 "Rebecca N. Palmer" <rebecca_pal...@zoho.com> wrote:
Package: libclblas2
Version: 2.12-1
Control: tags -1 upstream
Control: affects -1 beignet-opencl-icd

Some clblas operations use '0.0' (a double-precision literal) not '0.0f' (a single-precision literal) even when processing single-precision arrays.

This causes it to crash on GPUs that don't support double precision:

ASSERTION FAILED: sel.hasDoubleType()
at file /build/beignet-1.3.1/backend/src/backend/gen_insn_selection.cpp, function void gbe::ConvertInstructionPattern::convertBetweenFloatDouble(gbe::Selection::Opaque&, const gbe::ir::ConvertInstruction&, bool&) const, line 6148

This particular 0.0 appears to have come from http://sources.debian.net/src/clblas/2.12-1/src/library/blas/AutoGemm/KernelOpenCL.py/#L368, but there may well be more.

This issue also exists in upstream git.

Are you aware of an existing bug filed upstream for this? If so, could you link it to this bug report with an appropriate forward comand ?

Otherwise, would you please consider filing the bug upstream, since you already triaged it as non Debian specific.

Thanks for investigating this.


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