On Wed, 2018-02-14 at 11:04 +0800, Drew Parsons wrote:
> On Wed, 2018-02-14 at 10:47 +0800, Drew Parsons wrote:
> > On Tue, 2018-02-13 at 22:00 +0000, Thorsten Alteholz wrote:
> > > Hi Drew,
> > > 
> > > one of our trainees had a look at your package and found:
> > >  * copyright file, while autogenerated and unreadable,
> > > incomplete.
> > > missing for example:
> > >     test/unit/cpp/mesh/MeshColoring.cpp:// Copyright (C) 2016
> > > Garth
> > > N. Wells
> > 
> > Thanks, should be easy to fix.
> > 
> Actually, looking more closely, that objection does not make
> sense.  That file and Garth Wells are already listed under the main
> copyright entry:
> Files: *
> Copyright: 2002-2015, Anders Logg, Garth N. Wells, et al
> License: LGPL-3+
> Can you please review the review?

I'm guessing this is the problem: that explicit test/unit/mesh/ entries
are listed for Anders Logg (Mesh.cpp, MeshValueCollection.cpp), but not
for Garth N. Wells (MeshFunction.cpp is listed but MeshColoring.cpp is

What I can do is reorganise copyright so there is only one single 
LGPL-3+ entry with Files: * (at least for all LGPL-3+ files marked
"This file is part of DOLFIN"),  with a collective year 2002-2017 and
listing all of the individual contributors together in the one place.


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