A Dimarts 30 Setembre 2008, Jose Luis Blanco va escriure:
> Hi everyone!
> As researcher in robotics, I really like the idea of a robotics division
> within debian/science.


> IMHO, an essential package missing in [3] is the Player project (old
> player/stage), already in debian (package "robot-player"). 

Done, I have added it.

> And I'd also 
> add (but this opinion is biased since I'm the author...) the Mobile
> Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) package, currently in the New queue of
> Debian.

Sure, I know it. I read debian mentors ;-)

> Another good library (I think still not debianized) which would fit is
> VXL (algebra, computer vision,...).

Ok, I prepare the template to add.

Think that I fill a text file and after is created the the web page. So, the 
changes, if there's no erros need some time.

> Best,
> Jose Luis

Estamos en contacto!!


> Leopold Palomo Avellaneda wrote:
> > [Please follow up to debian-science]
> >
> > Dear people,
> >
> > first of all I would like to apologise because I have "BCC" this mail to
> > people that I think that use debian (or ubuntu) and has relation with the
> > robotics area and they are not subscribe to this list. If I'm wrong,
> > sorry for the noise and move this mail to /dev/null. ;-)
> >
> > OTOH, if it's your case, and you know people that are interested, please,
> > FF this message.
> >
> > -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >------ What's debian-science?
> >
> > From [1] , the goals are:
> > - Provide to researchers and scientists better experience when using
> > Debian. - Classify, package and distribute free software useful to
> > science and research.
> > - Support any quality efforts around free scientific software.
> > - Maintaining the Debian Science CDD [2]
> >
> > You can use Debian Science perfectly as you are using Debian because it
> > is a completely internal project and is nothing else than Debian itself.
> > We just felt a need to found a team that works as a strike force for
> > scientific software inside Debian.
> >
> > #metapackages provide an easy way of installing a range of software
> > appropriate to your particular field.
> > -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >------
> >
> > In general, all of us use a collection of packages that are common in the
> > scientific area. Under the umbrella of debian science, I would like to
> > ask if someone are interested in create some kind of group to create and
> > maintain software packages in the robotics area.
> >
> > I have added to this mail people that I know that don't know how to
> > create packages, but they are users (and developers) and their
> > collaboration with ideas about interesting software or bugs or whatever
> > is important.
> >
> > Also, I have added people that has their own custom debian distribution
> > based on debian (or ubuntu) and their collaboration joining efforts to
> > maintain some packages could be decisive. I should mention that the
> > robotics area is very wide but there's a part that has a special relation
> > with the hardware (robots, devices, ...) that has some specific
> > constraints: realtime kernels and drivers.
> >
> > OTOH, you cannot underestimate all the people that their work in the
> > robotics area is based on simulations or planning, where many times use
> > software of the games and they don't depend on any specific hardware.
> >
> > To many kind of packages could go there, and a lot of tasks could be
> > defined. This mail is just a first approach to try to work together, to
> > share opinions (problems) to see if it could be done or not. I did a
> > first fast and dirty propose of packages (done or to package) [3]. The
> > responsible tag is that i have propose it.
> >
> > If you are interested, please reply to the debian science list. If the
> > group is consolided, we can ask to create a specific list, but.
> >
> > Opinions, ideas?
> >
> >
> > [1] http://wiki.debian.org/DebianScience
> > [2] http://people.debian.org/~tille/cdd/
> > [3] http://cdd.alioth.debian.org/science/tasks/robotics.html
> --
> ___________________________________________________________
> Jose-Luis Blanco-Claraco      Phone: +34 952 132848
> Dpto. Ingenieria de Sistemas y Automatica
> E.T.S.I. Telecomunicacion       Fax: +34 952 133361
> Universidad de Malaga
> Campus Universitario de Teatinos
> 29071 Malaga, Spain
> http://www.isa.uma.es/jlblanco
> ___________________________________________________________

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