Stephen Liu <> writes:

> I ran Debian, RH, Fedora, CenOS, Ubuntu, FreeBSD, etc. before and am
> still running some of them.  What is the major difference of SL from
> other Linux distro?  Thanks

In your list, SL is closest to CentOS.  SL is a rebuild from RHEL
sources with RH branding taken out.  Nothing more nor less.  As an
example, in recent discussion it came up that SL will be left unaffected
by RH's recent decision to obfusticate Linux source code as they do no
kernel patching.

There is also SLF (FNAL) and SLC (CERN) where each lab adds some
packages on top of the base SL for internal consumption.  From what I
have seen these add-ons are largely configuration and Kerberos related.


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