Hi Andrea,

On Fri, 2011-06-10 at 21:46 +0200, Andrea Palazzi wrote: 
> Hi,
> what's the status of Salome package? In debian there's a package with
> version 5.1.3, now version 6.3.0 is almost ready to come out... is there
> any chance to have it packaged for Debian?

Here's the full history.

I packaged version 3.2.6 way back in 2008, and tried to send my patches
for upstream consideration, but got nowhere, so I figured it wasn't
worth the effort to port several dozen patches for every new upstream

A year ago I re-started the effort with the 5.1.3 package, with the
understanding that upstream would merge many of those patches.  Others
such as Denis Barbier, Andre Espaze, and Gerber Van de Graaf, Christophe
Trophime and Alain Leufroy contributed a lot, and the package made a lot
of progress.  Andre Espaze did the hard work of porting the patches to
newer upstream versions (at least 5.1.4), and I believe sent them
upstream for merging.

Andre, has upstream merged in your new versions of the patches, or do we
need to forward-port them all again to send in for merging?

Fortunately upstream now uses an open git server, so we can port patches
to that in order to help upstream merge them.

There are some patches which are debian-specific (*-debian-*.patch), and
a few which upstream does not want to merge but I think most of those
can be worked around.

I'd be glad to help with re-starting this packaging effort...

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