El Dissabte, 5 d'octubre de 2013, a les 19:59:14, Bill Allombert va escriure:
> On Wed, Oct 02, 2013 at 02:41:41PM +0200, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > after some work I have finished (in some state usable) the package ompl.
> > You could see here the work done:
> > 
> > ssh://alioth-git/git/debian-science/packages/ompl.git
> This is not a valid URL.

Sorry, I put my alioth alias:

git clone ssh://git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/ompl.git

> > please, some of you could look on it and blame me about my work?
> Not sure if this is useful, but someone has made a package for ubuntu
> <https://launchpad.net/~robotics/+archive/ppa/+build/3995892>

AFAIK from upstream the deb package is generated by cpack. I didn't know this 
version of libompl. I will check it.



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  • libompl Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
    • Re: libompl Bill Allombert
      • Re: libompl Leopold Palomo Avellaneda

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