hi andreas,

i've pushed fixes to:

 - r-cran-bms

 - r-cran-contfrac

 - r-cran-hypergeo (new upstream actually)

thanks for pointing these out.

i do receive a `hardening-no-bindnow` on r-cran-contfrac, but i can't figure out how to add arguments to the linker from the R Makevars file (i think it is necessary to patch Makevars).

the following doesn't work:

    PKG_LDFLAGS += -Wl,z,now

this does work:

    PKG_LIBS += -Wl,z,now

but i assume is a hack. i can't find any documentation on how to customize LDFLAGS in Makevars

any tips?

with thanks


On 28/04/2016 08:22, Andreas Tille wrote:
[Jonathon, please seek for your name in the text below.]

Hi Gordon,

thanks a lot for your effort about testing R packages.

On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 12:00:05PM +0200, Gordon Ball wrote:
non-lowercased path for vignette: output contains something like "cannot
stat /usr/share/doc/r-bioc-biovizBase/examples/vignettes/*"
Since I seem to fail the actual reason for this one.  Could someone
please correct me that this code

    pkg=r-bioc-`echo $oname | tr [A-Z] [a-z]`


should ensure lower cased package name?  I received a similar report
like you mention above but I totally fail to understand the issue
behind it - perhaps another pair of eyes looking at it might enlight
me.  My only idea is to rather use

    pkg=r-bioc-`echo $oname | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`

and so I try this even if I think this is equivalent.

bad substitution in run-unit-test: output contains something like
"cannot stat /usr/share/doc/r-bioc-cumme[bund/examples/vignettes/*"
That's even more strange.  I like to just insert the original CRAN
spelling and calculate the Debian package from mit but tr does not
seem to do a reliable job and I wonder why.

tries to test r-cran-whatever: looks like a copy-paste error in
run-unit-test, tries to run a different package's test suite
Ahhh, I'd happily get rid of cut-n-pastos.
error in run-unit-test: appears to be a bug in the shell script (bad
find arguments, etc)

?: not obvious what went wrong - might be a true positive

# r-bioc

r-bioc-aroma.light: attempts install.packages
I don't understand this one.

r-bioc-biocinstaller: missing dep r-bioc-biocgenerics
Fixed in recent upload.

r-bioc-biomart: bad substitution in run-unit-test
Uploaded new version with quotes in tr call.

r-bioc-biovizbase: non-lowercased path for vignette
r-bioc-bsgenome: non-lowercased path for vignette
Waiting for confirmation that quotes in tr call are helpful.

r-bioc-cummerbund: bad substitution in run-unit-test
Uploaded new version with quotes in tr call.

r-bioc-genefilter: missing dep r-cran-class
Fixed in recent upload of new upstream version.

r-bioc-genomicalignments: min_overlap_score bug
r-bioc-genomicranges: min_overlap_score bug
I don't understand this type.

r-bioc-hilbertvis: non-lowercased path for vignette
Waiting for confirmation that quotes in tr call are helpful.

r-bioc-limma: ?

r-bioc-rsamtools: missing dep r-cran-runit
Fixed in recent upload

r-bioc-snpstats: non-lowercased path for vignette
Waiting for confirmation that quotes in tr call are helpful.

r-bioc-summarizedexperiment: missing dep r-cran-runit
Fixed in recent upload of new version.

r-bioc-variantannotation: min_overlap_score bug
I don't understand this type.
# r-cran

r-cran-adegraphcis: missing dep spdep (unpackaged?)
Grrr, I'm fighting for r-cran-spdep since years (#752876) and its again
in new.  If you want to help please review the copyright and convince
ftpmaster that it is free.


r-cran-bayesfactor: missing dep r-cran-testthat
Fixed in recent team upload (Jonathon, please git pull)

r-cran-bbmisc: missing dep r-cran-codetools
Fixed in recent upload

r-cran-bms: non-lowercased path for vignette
Waiting for confirmation that quotes in tr call are helpful.
(Jonathon, feel free to beat me with a fix!)

r-cran-cmprsk: ?

r-cran-contfrac: tries to test r-cran-elliptic
Jonathon, please fix.

r-cran-doparallel: ?

r-cran-dplyr: R version mismatch (built under 3.3.0)
Huhu, what's that???

r-cran-epi: missing dep r-cran-plyr
Fixed in recent upload (missing Dependency in package)

r-cran-etm: tries to test r-cran-cmprsk
Fixed in recent upload

r-cran-evaluate: ?

r-cran-futile.logger: error in run-unit-test script
What kind of error?  Runs fine for me if I call it directly.

r-cran-ggplot2: error in run-unit-test script
Fixed in recent upload

r-cran-htmltools: missing dep on r-cran-rcpp
Fixed in recent upload

r-cran-hypergeo: error in run-unit-test script
Jonathon, please fix.

r-cran-lambda.r: error in run-unit-test script
What kind of error?  Runs fine for me if I call it directly.

r-cran-learnbayes: non-lowercased path for vignette
Fixed in recent upload - hopefully Closes: #759413

r-cran-magrittr: error in run-unit-test script
What kind of error?  Runs fine for me if I call it directly.

r-cran-plyr: error in run-unit-test script
Fixed in recent upload

r-cran-qtl: missing dep r-cran-testthat
Fixed in recent upload of new upstream version

r-cran-r.methodss3: bad subsitution in run-unit-test
Waiting for confirmation that quotes in tr call are helpful.

r-cran-r.utils: error in run-unit-test
What kind of error?  Runs fine for me if I call it directly.

r-cran-r6: tries to test r-cran-rncl
Fixed by yourself in Git - possibly missing quotes in tr call.

r-cran-rncl: missing dep r-cran-rcpp
Fixed in recent upload

r-cran-rocr: ?

r-cran-shiny: missing dep r-cran-ggplot2
Fixed in recent upload

r-cran-sp: missing dep rgeos (unpackaged?)
r-cran-surveillance: unsatisfyable dependencies
r-cran-testthat: unsatisfyable dependencies
r-cran-tidyr: R version mismatch (built under 3.3.0)
r-cran-xml2: missing dep r-cran-rcpp
I'll leave the last 5 on my desk for tomorrow.

Thanks for your work on testing R packages


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