On Mon, Nov 14, 2016 at 07:14:22PM +0100, Maarten van Gompel wrote:
> Packages ucto and frog have been updated
> accordingly to depend on it (no new upstream). The three packages are ready 
> for upload now.

starting with frog:

* git repo is missing the tag for the last upload
* please revert eec388092aae834ed4dd6643b524861faca64356
* and also 941f7477add917bc757d4123cba4336fe94b141e (unless it really
  does need a newer ucto dependency, does it really?!  the generated
  binary dependency is not versioned (and how could it without proper
  symbol file...), so I very much doubt forcing a build order between
  ucto and frog means really something at the end (if it has issues
  building against a ucto built against a different version of libfolia
  than the one frog is currently building against, then it should fail
  the build; but this is actually a rarer issue that you might think).
* the "[ Name Surname ]" thing in the changelog is only needed if
  different people made changes for that single upload; if you're alone
  you can remove it
* you have a bunch of trailing newlines in changelog

for ucto:

well, not much to do considering I reviewed the last upload :P
Just, don't bump the build-dep.  If you have no changes to do in this
package, what you want is a
    No-change upload to rebuild against libfolia5
like we do in Ubuntu; or ask the release team to schedule a binNMU
(which effectively achieves the very same, just bothering more people
for nothing in this case, if you ask me..).

I'm also waiting for the auto-transitioner to notice the libfolia upload
and create a transition tracker to have more assurance those are the
only 2 rdeps.

                        Mattia Rizzolo

GPG Key: 66AE 2B4A FCCF 3F52 DA18  4D18 4B04 3FCD B944 4540      .''`.
more about me:  https://mapreri.org                             : :'  :
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