> Good question; I'm surprised -v doesn't say.  Does adding --debug help?
It just gives a directory: doc/ but it contains several doc files and I
thought I had removed the culprit (the doxygen doc of toulbar2).

The --debug variant does help however.

N: Running check: cruft on source:toulbar2/1.0.0+dfsg2-1  ...
P: toulbar2 source: source-contains-prebuilt-doxygen-documentation doc/
N:    The source tarball contains prebuilt doxygen documentation. This is
N:    usually left by mistake when generating the tarball without first
N:    cleaning the source directory. You may want to report this as an
N:    upstream bug, if there is no sign that this was intended.
N:    It is preferable to rebuild documentation directly from source.
N:    Severity: pedantic, Certainty: possible
N:    Check: cruft, Type: source
N: Check script cruft for source:toulbar2/1.0.0+dfsg2-1 done (0.344s)

So, I found the /usr/share/lintian/checks/cruft.pm that does the job and
it looks for "doxygen.png" and "doxygen.sty" which I did not remove. I
just removed the doc itself. I will exclude more in debian/copyrightand
prepare a +dfsg3 version.
> Meanwhile, please do double-check your doc-base handling; per
> dh_installdocs(1), best practice is to give the files standardized names
> and not attempt to list them in .install files.
Ok. I just followed the debian wiki indicationsfor doc-base.

I will dive in dh_installdocs(1) :-)


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