Am Dienstag, den 21.04.2020, 16:23 +0200 schrieb Maarten van Gompel:

>  * upload all the SO bumping targetting experimental
> In order to do that, do you want me to change those packages so the
> debian/changelog targets
> experimental instead of unstable?  (should I bump the version suffix -1
> to -2 then or can I still reuse -1 as it got rejected? might cause some
> issue with the debian/ git tag in salsa though, deleting and forcing a
> new tag isn't very elegant)

This is just my opionion: Don't increase the Debian version and change the
target. Re-creating a tag is not an issue. This tag hasn't been used anywhere
nor isn't there anything relying on it.

A clean workflow further would be to create an experimental (or
debian/experimental) branch in case one needs to push a fix to the package(s)
in unstable as long as the experimental packages wait in NEW. Note that if the
branch is not the repository's default branch the Vcs-Git field in d/control
should pass on the branch information as:

Vcs-Git: <URL> -b <BRANCH>

This actually helps the Debian tracker. It usually also requires to adjust the
git-buildpackage configuration. So one has to add debian/gbp.conf to determine
the correct debian-branch or use either the --git-debian-branch or the --git-
ignore-branch switches.

Regards, Daniel

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