On Wed, 2023-02-01 at 17:00 +0100, Andreas Tille wrote:
> Hi Diane,
> could you please give an update about the status of numba?  The
> window
> of opportunity is closing soon.  Please be as verbose as possible
> what
> help you might need.

Ok what I've been doing so far was I did manage to backport all of
upstreams python 3.11 patches.

Though I did make a mistake in one of them that generated a great deal
of errors (and more importantly I did find, fix, and pushed the fix for
that error to salsa)

Mostly I've been running the tests and watching it fail, and trying to
add to the list of tests to ignore.

I've been building on a server with 24 GB of ram but have been getting
out of memory errors with sbuild & autopkgtest for some reason, and my
system monitoring seems to suggest it was only getting up to 6-7 GB
used. (I'm using an old server because no one else is using it...)

To get around crashing due to the OOM killer I switched from upstreams
numba.runtests to pytest-xdist. pytest also makes it easier to ignore
specific tests that are causing trouble and xdist does a better job of
restarting failed worker processes.

It might be good for someone else to run the tests and see what
happens, is it something about my sbuild / autopkgtest that's causing
it to crash with an out of memory error?

There's also asking upstream if this is expected behavior?

But run tests for 3-4 hours to see what test failed and then ignore
that is not a particularly efficient method.

I'm open for more suggestions.

Also I may have found a bug in autopkgtest....but haven't investigated
it yet.

[gw22] [ 99%] FAILED
self.testbed.check_exec(['rm', '-rf', 
  File "/usr/share/autopkgtest/lib/adt_testbed.py", line 559, in
    (code, out, err) = self.execute(argv,                             
  File "/usr/share/autopkgtest/lib/adt_testbed.py", line 531, in
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'proc' referenced before assignment 


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