Dear all,

First of all thank you for the whole team for keeping Debian as secure
as it is the people on the team do to keep Debian free from
controversy (at least from the security viewpoint) .

Please CC me as I'm not subscribed to the mailing list, sorry.

I just came upon sandsifter today. While I have done an RFP on it ,
could people have a look at it.

It's being tracked as #906246 , thank you in advance.

Also see which is a
blackhat presentation given by the Developer.

Could you all examine it and see if it's worth including in Debian,
the only pre-requisite it asks for is already in Debian i.e. capstone.
I dunno if it would be a good tool or not as I do not have the
expertise to know whether the package 'phones home' or not, how
dangerous or not dangerous the analysis would be.

The only requirements are libcapstone3 and libcapstone-dev before
compiling the python script (via make). The other odd thing seems to
that the developer has mentioned to use 32-bit variation of the
libcapstone3 and libcapstone-dev which at least IMHO would make it
more resource intensive as it means it would be limited to only using
4 GiB of memory when it could use the whole 8-128 GiB memory depending
upon the workstation properties but what do I know of these things.

Looking forward to know.

          Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
  My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0
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