
On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 07:15:18AM +0200, Salvatore Bonaccorso wrote:
> When converting the svn repository to git also a author name list
> needs to be created just before making the move[1]. I was involved in
> such a project for the Debian Perl Group svn to git conversion moving
> ~2000 packages in one svn repo to git. It is simpler here! :). Just
> after the security team meeting I did an unofficial PoC for this, so
> can confirm this works. We had a little amount of disussion about
> this, but this unforunately part of it happend on the team alias
> email, so was not public. I never went further ahead.
>  [1] http://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-and-Other-Systems-Migrating-to-Git
> http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/collab-maint/secure-testing.git/.git/
> is a start, but the repository needs to be properly converted by
> generating an svn author list.

Based on a modified version of the scripts we used for the pkg-perl
case I have generated the attached AUTHORS.txt.xz list. I will commit
the two scripts needed when happy so they can be used for this step
when we will be at that stage.

For -guest accounts it tries to detect the email to use from


Attachment: AUTHORS.txt.xz
Description: Binary data

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