Hi Paul,

On Donnerstag, 26. Februar 2015, Paul Wise wrote:
> I noticed the description fields are truncated, is that intentional?

that's all that is stored in the db...

> What about making the structure like this?

why? :)

> I'm guessing the code only
> produces one instance of each package.


> {
>   "package1": {...},
>   "package2": {...},
> }
> > I haven't tested the output against a json validator yet... so feedback
> > welcome and I do expect some more work to do...
> Not a helpful error but the Python json loader tracebacks, try:
> >>> import json
> >>> with open('json') as f: data = json.load(f)

thanks, will give it a try later. (Currently waiting for more feedback before 
touching the code again...)

> > - should the output include description fields if the value is "null"?
> > - should the output include nodsa fields if the value is "null"?
> > - should the output include remote fields if the value is "null"?
> Probably not.

> > - for the releases with issue status != "resolved", should the version be
> > ommitted? (as its rather meaningless then... also the repositories fields
> > also contain those versions. (and those should be kept IMO)
> Hmm, I wouldn't have thought there would be a version present for
> unfixed issues? The raw data in the CVE list certainly doesn't have
> version numbers for unfixed issues.

the tracker shows them all the time, eg on 

> I'm thinking omit such versions.

/me too


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