On Sat, Jan 30, 2016 at 2:15 AM, Sébastien Delafond <sdelaf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 2016-01-07, Grant Murphy <grantcmur...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> - The file has not had whitespace removed (will reduce file size by
>>   about 5mb)
> I've just pushed a change that does two things:
>   * uses the most compact JSON representation; measured against the
>     "stable-only" DB, it cuts down the download size around 30%, from
>     3.6Mo to 2.5Mo.
>   * removes the hash sorting altogether; this brings the execution
>     time from 3.7s to 2.5s ("stable-only" once again), which should
>     hopefully help with the load on security-tracker.
> Those are ballpark figures, of course, and we'll need to see how it
> behaves against the full DB.

Cool thanks.  I'm currently getting a 404 from this URL -
https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/data/json is this related?

>> - The file is not compressed (gzip will reduce __total__ file size
>>   to ~2mb)
> Not sure why that stream isn't gzipped, will look into that.

That would be awesome. I haven't had a chance yet to dig into the code
but try to look into it also.

>> - It is generated per request
>> - The 'If-Modified-Since' header is not honored so the complete file
>>   will need to be re-downloaded every time to check if it has
>>   changed.
> Good points. I'm not too sure about the technical implications related
> to the integration of those two features, but your contribution would
> in any case be most welcome :)
> Cheers,
> --Seb

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