On Wed, Mar 9, 2016 at 9:18 AM, Stephen Quintero wrote:

> I am parsing the JSON security data which Debian graciously makes available
> (https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/data/json) and have encountered
> some inconsistent data where packages are marked as fixed or affected with
> the same name+version+release but with different epochs.
> This generally appears to be the case of an epoch being omitted, and
> therefore presumed 0, when it is not actually 0.  While there are ~100 such
> cases in the distros I am parsing (debian-6, 7 and 8), they reduce to the 17
> unique cases I have appended to this email.

Thanks, I have fixed these in the source data.

> Thank you for keeping up this good work, and I hope this information will be
> helpful.

I think we should probably improve our processes such that this issue
cannot happen.



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