
Nice work. A single bug is quite useful when a lot of CVEs has been fixed
in a single upstream release. Especially if they are of a similar nature.

/ Ola

Sent from a phone

Den 30 mar 2017 21:05 skrev "Antoine Beaupré" <anar...@orangeseeds.org>:

> Hi,
> I had some spare time today and I figured I would look at the backlog of
> unreported vulnerabilities here:
> https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/status/unreported
> This is one of the housekeeping tasks we were told was useful for the
> security team here:
> https://wiki.debian.org/LTS/Development#Housekeeping_Tasks
> The instructions for using the report-vuln script weren't quite
> accurate: first it can't really be used with reportbug, from what I can
> tell, at least not in a useful way.. Reportbug will still prompt for all
> its usual stuff which makes it less effective.
> Furthermore, the recommended use (in the script itself) of Mutt doesn't
> add the necessary headers, and I found the "blanks" argument rather
> confusing.
> Therefore, I have rewritten parts of the script to make it easier to
> automate. It's now possible to specify the severity and affected
> versions directly on the commandline, and the usage is much clearer.
> Before:
> $ ./bin/report-vuln -h
> ./bin/report-vuln [--no-blanks] <pkg> <cve id(s)>
> Now:
> usage: report-vuln [-h] [--no-blanks] [--affected AFFECTED]
>                    [--severity SEVERITY] [--no-cc] [--cc-list CCLIST]
>                    pkg cve [cve ...]
> positional arguments:
>   pkg                   affected package
>   cve                   relevant CVE for this issue, may be used multiple
> time
>                         if the issue has multiple CVEs
> optional arguments:
>   -h, --help            show this help message and exit
>   --no-blanks, --blanks
>                         include blank fields to be filled (default: False)
>   --affected AFFECTED   affected version (default: unspecified)
>   --severity SEVERITY   severity (default: grave)
>   --no-cc, --cc         add X-Debbugs-CC header to
>   --cc-list CCLIST      list of addres to add in CC (default:
>                         ['t...@security.debian.org', 'secure-testing-
>                         t...@lists.alioth.debian.org'])
> I was not sure in which case multiple CVEs could be used - should we
> report multiple CVEs in a single bug? that seems like bad
> practice... IMHO, each bug should have its own CVE...
> Ideally, this script would interactively submit the bug and wait for
> confirmation, but it seems this is something that is notoriously hard to
> do in the Debian BTS - I personnally haven't found a way to promptly get
> a bug identifier when submitting bugs other than waiting for the
> autoreply to kick in, which can take some time.
> Since this is not something the LTS team directly uses all the time -
> it's more something for the main security team - I figured it would be
> safer to submit it for review here, especially since the changes are
> rather large. Let me know if there's a better place to discuss this if
> this isn't appropriate.
> Attached is the patch for the new features and a fresh copy which is
> only twice as long as the diff...
> A.
> --
> Worker bees can leave
> Even drones can fly away
> The queeen is their slave
>                         - Fight Club

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