
On Fri, Dec 17, 2021 at 11:57:34AM +0000, Neil Williams wrote:
> https://salsa.debian.org/codehelp/security-tracker/-/commit/2df53b5421cde0c7b1b2dd3343d71aebde2d55b7
> https://salsa.debian.org/codehelp/security-tracker/-/raw/grabcvefix/bin/grab-cve-in-fix
> Dependencies: python3-debian
> Usage: Download from the raw link as bin/grab-cve-in-fix and make it 
> executable.
> ./bin/grab-cve-in-fix --help
> usage: grab-cve-in-fix [-h] [[--email EMAIL] | [--tracker TRACKER]] | [[--src 
> SRC] & [--cves [CVES ...]]]
> Grab CVE data from a package upload for manual review
> optional arguments:
>   -h, --help         show this help message and exit
> Online - query either the distro-tracker or debian-devel-changes mail archive:
>   --email EMAIL      URL of debian-devel-changes announcement in the list 
> archive
>   --tracker TRACKER  URL of tracker.debian.org 'Accepted NEWS' page for 
> unstable
> Offline - run 'make update-packages' first & specify source package and CVE 
> list:
>   --src SRC          Source package name to look up version in local packages 
> files
>   --cves [CVES ...]  CVE ID tag with version from local packages files
> Data is written to a new <source_package>.list file which can be used with 
> './bin/merge-cve-files'
> Examples:
> ./bin/grab-cve-in-fix --src freerdp2 --cve CVE-2021-41160
> ./bin/grab-cve-in-fix --tracker 
> https://tracker.debian.org/news/1285227/accepted-freerdp2-241dfsg1-1-source-into-unstable/
> ./bin/grab-cve-in-fix --email 
> https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-changes/2021/12/msg01280.html
> (For these specific examples, data/CVE/list for CVE-2021-41160 would need to 
> be altered, say to <unfixed>, locally.)

Nice! I will need (or want) to try to experiment with it a bit on
apparing real cases.


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