
I have a better idea: an integrated 'user' command, which uses plugins to
access the actual database server (like PAM, but for writing to the
database rather than reading from it), and performs any of several
functions. Some examples:

# user add joe
Enter password:
Repeat password:
User joe added.
# user delete joe
Really delete user joe? [y/n] y
Delete home directory? [y/n] y
User joe deleted.
# group --database=ldap create lusers
Group lusers created.
# user --database=ldap add joe
Enter password:
Repeat password:
User joe added.
# group --database=ldap add joe lusers
User joe added to group lusers.
# group --database=ldap delete lusers
Really delete group lusers? [y/n] y
Group lusers deleted.
# user --database=ldap list
# group --database=ldap list
# user --help
Usage: user [options] command [parameters]

  --database=db Specify a database to use. See user(8) for more.
  --uid=n       Specify a UID number to use when creating a user.
  --system      Adds a system user, rather than a normal user.
  --no-passwd   Does not ask to set a password when creating a user.
  --home=dir    Specify the new user's home directory.
  --help        This help screen.

  add           Adds a new user.
  delete        Deletes a user.
  list          Lists existing users.
# group --help
Usage: group [options] command [parameters]

  --database=db Specify a database to use. See group(8) for more.
  --passwd      Specify the new group's password, so users can gain access
                to the group by entering the password.
  --gid=n       Specify a GID number to use when creating a group.

  create        Creates a new group.
  delete        Deletes a group.
  add           Adds an existing user to an existing group.
  list          Lists existing groups.

You guys get the idea?



PGP/GPG Fingerprint:
  EFD1 AC6C 7ED5 E453 C367  AC7A B474 16E0 758D 7ED9

Version: 3.12
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On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, Michael Vogt wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 13, 2000 at 03:54:25PM +0200, Thomas Guettler wrote:
> > I am in the same position. I have got some time left which
> > I could spent in an opensource project. Nearly all 
> > things I dream of are already working.
> > So that I don't know where to join.
> > And Mozilla ist too big.
> > And like Florian I am interested in security.
> > 
> > If someone knows where to start, please give
> > us a hint.
> > I know some C, C++, Perl, Shell, Java, XML.
> > 
> > One thing I am interested is, which ist AFAIK no
> > implemented yet:
> > Crossplattform userauthentication (win+unix),
> > via LDAP.
> For the unix side, please have a look at libpam-ldap and libnss-ldap. I made
> some patches against the stock debian package to support debconf for these
> modules. I think better LDAP support for debian would be a very good thing(tm).
> (If someone is interessed in the patches, please have a look at 
>  http://master.debian.org/~mvo/ldap. I am very interessed in feedback).
> What I really miss is a LDAP enabled user-manager. If someone would working
> on that... :)
> bye
>  Michael
> -- 
> GPG Fingerprint = EA71 B296 4597 4D8B 343E  821E 9624 83E1 5662 C734
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>   X        AGAINST HTML MAIL             >>
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> --  
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