On Sat, Jan 27, 2001 at 07:46:26PM -0600, Mohammed Elzubeir wrote:
> Getting on dselect and removing all that ssh related stuff. Downloaded
> OpenSSL and compiled it and installed. Did the same for OpenSSH and now
> everything is great. I am never depending on Debian packaging. Period.

The please, save yourself the trouble and don't use Debian.  You already
indicated that you didn't want to be ("I don't understand why it can't 
be like FreeBSD.").  Based on another post made here it seems very
likely that you are running the *unstable* branch of Debian.  If you
won't tolerate instability then why are you doing that?

As a Debian developer (OK, I'm *technically* still in the DAM queue) I
am actually quite offended by your comment about never depending on
Debian packaging.  A lot of very skilled people put a lot of time and
energy into making Debian work very well.  It does "work by default",
but not necessarily in unstable or testing.


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